21-year-old L.A. Native Pop Break out Artist Jessie Berg Releases newest Single and Music Video “Monster”

At only 21-years-old, break out artist, singer and songwriter Jessie Berg, has already been recognized by some of the biggest names in the music industry and has just released her first single and music video “Monster”, produced by the Aristocats.


Jessie Berg was recently discovered by Kent Jacobs, who has worked with world famous bands such as, The Police, The Cult and REM to name a few. Miss Berg’s style of music is pop, but also identifies in the R&B category, and she describes her art as a mix of both. Her strongest influences derive from emotionally- driven female storytellers such as Amy Winehouse, Alicia Keys, and Cher.


Miss Berg describes “Monster” in the pop genre, but more left of center pop. Her inspiration for the song came from that suffocating feeling she felt from the pressure conform. “My song talks about being trapped and influenced by others and the pressures we face everywhere in society today. The line that best describes my feeling in life right now is ‘I just wanna be me’.”


“Monster” was shot in May of 2019 at an old burned down house and as Berg describes, “It was surreal, shooting in the dark shell of a home perfectly captured the feeling we wanted to be portrayed. At the beginning of the video, there is a strong sense of me being shackled in the old burnt down house which truly is a symbol of me being trapped. In the end, I’m out of the house which represents my freedom from the challenges I face today.” The Video was Directed by “RAGE”.


Jessie has been trained in vocals, Songwriting, theatre, dance, piano and is emerging with guitar and says, “Music has always been a part of my life. I would attribute the start of my music career to my grandmother who has always encouraged me to sing and is a true inspiration.”


Miss Berg explains her passion for her messaging and platform in a way that drives her towards success. Jessie Berg says “I think having a platform comes with a lot of responsibility. You have the power to influence people for the better, which is what I want to do. I guess my biggest thing is I want to be an artist that is honest with people and be a shoulder for people to lean on. I think it’s important to promote individuality, confidence, and not being afraid of what other people think. I’m always so inspired by women who use their platform to talk about the real issues/ thing’s others are afraid to bring up. I want to take on a role like that. I’m not looking to change the world with my platform just yet, but if I can be a positive and encouraging influence and bring joy to even one person with my music than I feel like that’s enough.” Follow Jessie Berg @jessiebergg

Please view Jessie Berg Music Video “Monster”














Guru Yogi Mohan Offers an Insightful Interview about Spiritual Science to Permanently Reverse Illness, Disease, Special Needs, & Chronic Pain.

Stories have been continuously circulating about a Guru in India who is consistently healing a wide variety of diseases, illnesses, and other issues. People travel from all over the globe to meet him and be treated at his center. Can he be the Modern Day Buddha? 

Celebre Media VIP had the pleasure of speaking with Guru Yogi Mohan for an in-depth discussion on his practices—how he taps into the energies of the universe to heal, treat, and repair the human mind, body, and soul.

Who did you train with, and does everyone have some type of relationship with energies, like yourself? 

My father is my teacher, and he talked about the invisible energies when I was only 4-years old. Then he brought many Masters to teach me. One of my masters, Siva Prebhakara Siddha Logical (https:www.SivaprabhakaraSiddhayogi.org), has the extraordinary power to preserve the body from damage and aging. He has been given a light of knowledge and keys, but he teaches only for self-preservation.

As a healer, do you have to also protect yourself from unwanted energy?

I can reorganize and heal any kind of negativity, like toxins, energy fields, gravitation, and levitation. I have a self-healing capacity, if I experience any accidents or disease.

What are some basic things people can do to help restore their health and/or chakras? 

Health is very important and truly connected with knowledge. Many sciences are behind the sustainability of health. The human body is organized like that because there are many kinds of metabolism.

The first form of metabolism derives from the discharge of Human Pheromones. As per the thought process of a human being, a corresponding chemical (chemical pheromones) discharges from the body through the pores (sweat holes). Most of the pheromonesdischarged are toxins and mood-changing chemicals for a 3rd person. The degree of negative thought (jealousy and greed) is discharged in pheromones. Ancient mastersare restricted in only practicing spirituality and kind-heartedness.

Chakras are not managed by the self—they are byproducts of thought process and action, and are associated with many energies also. Energies are classified in many forms,depending on factors in a human body. Upon understanding the structure of the body, one can easily organize by themselves. Each person containsunique algorithms that the body constitutes.There are regulations and laws based on the intensity of the substance of the body.

Do you believe cancer and other diseases develop from blocked energy and/or negative energy? Do you believe it also correlates with how the individuals mother was feeling while pregnant with the child?

The body has many layers and classifications. Biologically, the physiological body is a bio-massthat structurally has no divinity. It is a mechanism to pull emotionally when and where required. After birth and the first cry, while in-taking the air through oxygen, the body is establishing a relation to nature. From this end, one is starting to accept visible and non-visible energies. Most of the energies are non-visual—like air, smell, sound etc.—but when one is conscious about all of those things, he/she can keep a safe distance from negative and positive energies without classifications. Knowing about the classified energies around us, help us to organize them as well.

A mother, during pregnancy, is the logistic manager indispensing the necessary substances to the baby, inside, technically speaking. The relationship between the mother and baby is connected with emotion, and that creates emotional attachment to the baby from the mother.

There is also a protectivehormone (pheromones) discharging from the mother’s body to save the child from external negatives in all forms. In most of the cases, the mother is not able to analyze or experience the negatives around her. However, the mother also serves as a conductor to distance anything fully or partially to the baby inside. Whatever affects the mother, will also affect the baby—and in the case of sound toxins, that affects 4x more than the mother, because the baby is living in water, and sound travels in water 4x faster than air.

How did you know you had healing hands? Was it something you were born with, or did you have to cultivate it? 

Basically, I am from a traditional family of physicians, and we have knowledge about non-popular, traditional information. When I was a child of 4 or 5 years of age, I use to dispense medicine when my grandfather was not home. When I was 8 years old, my grandfather was sometimes away from home and would not be back soon. Someone brought a dead body to my home. I inquired the cause of death, which was due to being struck in the head by a falling coconut from a very high coconut tree, and he lost his breath immediately. I attended this case, and by his luck, he opened his eyes in few minutes after I touched him. That is the first time that I noticed my ability to do something—it is not cultivated.

What is the cause for Autism? Do you believe its linked to the fruit and vegetables that we are consuming? Here in the United States, it seems they have linked it to the pesticides being sprayed on all of our produce? What is your take on it? 

Pesticides may damage the brain chemically. As I told you, by the constitution itself, a human body is with many kinds of classification and definitions—Biological Body, Neurological Body, and The InvisibleBody (Energy) with energy and broken particles. Again, it has subclassifications.

The Biological Bodyis the expressive emotional body that defines us as human, just as every other animal by physiology. Any problem with this is can be managed using pathological assessments and dispensing of drugs/medications. Any intaking, like food (especially fruits) andwater are for the biological body as a fuel. Upondigestion, it will be discharged as waste. This body and its respective action have no specific culture and knowledge. It is a mechanism to represent all emotional activities. Any intaking of toxins with food/water can be reflected and recognized within24 hours. This aspect does not affect Autism or other disabilities.

The Neurological Body Systemreacts with chemicals, instantly. Any poisons, pesticides, and chemical intaking in food will be apparent via reflexology very quickly, especially via gases and pheromones. These are mood-changing substances that can also be treated medically and will not cause those mentioned conditions.

For Autism, there is another reason. It is not a physiological and neurological factor. There is an Invisible Bodyin between the Biological Body and Neurological Body. Invisible Body is a chain of cavity vacuum space that is the 3rd part of the body—ultra- and infra-lights are thefundamental energies. All those lights are invisible, read on color scales. Additionally, there are cavities all over the the body that work as conductors of energy. Whenever there are damages this conductor, the body can convert to Autism or other conditions that are not detected by any medical device and/or pathological approaches. This condition fundamentally deals with energies in a different form.

Collectively, it appears as a shadow between 2 body classifications—a conductor between the physiological and neurological segments of the body. When it limits the transferof information from one area to another area of the body, a form of data being blocked, then a deviation in behavior—irregularities and mannerisms—are expressed. However, when the blocking of data is alleviated from that vacuum path, the symptom of Autism disappeared.

How do we live a more sustainable life? 

Life is defined as live happily, health, and without disease, until the end of life. Basically, sustainability is the knowledge in how to live well—it is actually technical and scientific in understanding.

The ancient masters described this science through 64 branches for organizing the complete society, as per the scientific classifications for sustaining life. It has been the cause of rituals in spirituality in various forms. In other words, all the major religions, especially Buddhism and Hinduism have been formed for the establishments of the living science for effective and healthy living.

Detailed understanding about the study and practice of spirituality can bestow a considerable change in society with believing in God as a good remedy to reform society. All those things also serve to create, format, and organize chemical energies (human pheromones is chemical energy it acts correspondingly). Establishing knowledge centers, connecting with ancient thoughts, and identifying the meaning of modern science are the tools that offer an awareness about the sustainability of Life.

More people are beginning to understand that we are all vibrational beings and are creators in our Life. How can we all manifest healing in our own lives? Is there a chant, prayer, or song that you suggest?

Knowledge is the key for anything—complete knowledge—like joining two different particles together. A sperm and an egg are two living organisms. Independently each has no soul. The union of an egg and sperm is creating the 3rd energy—also known as the soul. The soul is creating the relationship—togetherness—that results in the birth of a being. These are the invisible particles—the universal one that exists everywhere. It can be joined anytime where the carrying of biological mass is good for carrying it—and when it is not good for carrying it, can also be separated into its original form.

Living healthy means that we have to maintain our body to be sustainable to accommodate the soul energy.Consciousness plays an integral role in this topic. There are thousands of classifications in consciousness. Consciousness in everything—taste, smell, sounds,etc.—when one understands the conscious point, the individual can be well and good.

For beginners, who may or may not know how to meditate? What is the best way to start?

As previously mentioned, the3 classifications of the body are the Biological Body, Neurological Body, and Invisible Particles. The Neurological Body can misguide the Biological Body by spreading many hormones (pheromones) that act to do many activities. Major activities can sometimes cause damage to the biological body. Meditation is a process that can change the action of the Neurological Body and Biological Body.

The simple practice of meditation enables the Biological and Neurological Body to spin together and release a shell of emotions to clear a path for the Spiritual space (invisible energies) that will rule the body in better way. Yoga means “join together.”The togetherness of both the emotional body and biological body is a catalyst for all proceeding thought process that creates balanced energy and better health. Understanding the theory and physics in meditationis the easiest way to handleit.

We have seen videos of you healing children and adults around the world. Are there any disease or mental illnesses that you cannot heal?

In many ways, our body is always alerted with cancers. As I told you, there is aninvisiblevacuum space that does not communicate with biological and neurological areas effectively. When the biological body issuspended from the neurological body, the oxygenation and other circulations will be limited, and invisible energy will blocked there. This becomes anoxia and later hypoxia—the cause of cancers.A well-organized body has no damage—and will cured naturally overnight—without the need for any substance to the body.

How does someone come to meet with you to cure themselves or a loved one? 

First of all, the actual problem can be different from his/her understanding about it. But in the first few minutes with me, they will feel changes. I view everyone like an infant and loved one. I see the body and invisible body as different. In most cases, the problem typically involves the invisibleparticles. If it is a serious problem, the time for biological cell division is applicable—it can be multiplications of the 21 days—that involves a type of broken particle re-establishment and regularizing. Results occur in few days. All of the cures happen on their own, as I do not dispense any medicine. But we do have medical centers who need to use it. Every being is the child of God and keeping a brotherhood in each other.

Can you cure all diseases? 

Yes, I balance the wellness of the body by organizing its happiness and well-being—disease, disabilities and deformities.

How do people get in contact with you? 

Anyone can schedule or request an appointment through the website or email. Phone calls are not recommended because I am not able to attend the phone all of the time.


Cool New Tech: Take Control of Your Time at Work, Leisure, and Family—UNPLUG While Staying Connected with the StatusNow App

StatusNow Appwas created by Susan Melnick—entrepreneur, wife, and mother of 4 children—with the goal of helping people to stay connected to those most important to them, while also giving them the peace of mind to completely disconnect from their phones whenever they want to. This practical tool is a FREE App and virtual, digital assistant that enables users tailor messages to individuals or groups so that they don’t have to miss an important call. Private groups, Calendar Integrations, Setup Connections, Create a Status, or Check a Status are just some of the features available. Be connected when you disconnect.

Celebre Media VIP caught up with Susan for an interview about her life as a mother  of 4 and decisive entrepreneur who found a gap in the market for a virtual digital assistant that enables users to tap into the App so they can tap off their phone without worry. Take a closer look at the latest App being downloaded by professionals, parents, grandparents, and kids alike!

Please tell us about yourself in three to five sentences: your background, family life, work life, etc.

I spent most of my career at Accenture but started off in programing and taught Computer Science at my hometown of Pittsburgh. I have been married almost 15 years and live in Minneapolis with my husband and kids. I am a mother of 4 kids ranging in ages of 4-11.

How did you first come up with the idea of StatusNow? Tell us the story.

There was literally one night when something big was happening with all of my children. My youngest had her 2ndday of camp and developed a 105 fever. We had just gotten back from Brazil and was worried she had Zika. My younger son had an incident at a camp swimming pool that could have been severe, and my two older kids were leaving for overnight camp for the first time. Everything just felt overwhelming. A friend said to me,go for a walk or do something for yourself,”and my response was—I cannot be away from my phone. I was just waiting for something else to happen. That’s when I realized there needs to be a change where I could do these things and hit my reset button. I don’t want to be tied to my phone all the time.

What has the overall reaction been?

 Very positive. Almost everyone I have spoken to has been able to provide an example instantly about a time when they could have used the app

What made you decide to put it into motion? From idea to something tangible?

I started just by talking to a couple of people and hearing their thoughts/reactions. I just kept going until someone gave me a reason to stop, which hasn’t happened. The more I did research, I realized that this has to exist. Fast forward to two years later, and I now am so glad that I am creating something to help my 11-year son, as he is getting his first phone to set limits and expectations.

How long did it take to create the app? 

It was 20 months in the planning and beta.

What does this App accomplish?

The App accomplishes many different things. Overall, it’s peace of mind for everyone using it. It identifies an emergency. For example, just because I see my kids’school calling on my phone or watch, doesn’t mean it’s urgent. It might just be to see if I can volunteer, a kids forgot something, etc., but I don’t know why they’re calling. Now, I know that if I see them calling and don’t answer, they have the App. They can call wherever I am if it’s truly urgent, or I can leave instructions on who else they should be calling if I’m somewhere I cannot be disturbed. It also sets boundaries and works to eliminate the instant response that we are all so used to. The App can be an out of office or an assistant. It communicates with people to let you know when you’ll be back and eliminates the guessing game when you’ll be responding.

Is this app for everyone? 


Where can people download the App?

Apple (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/statusnow-app/id1453168409)


 Google (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.statusnowapp.StatusNow)

Is there anything similar to this app on the market? 

 Nothing exactly like this.

Did something happen that made you realize you needed this App in your life? 

SHOULD I RETELL THE STORY HERE ABOUT HOW I CAME UP WITH IT? The other thing I would add to my story is that my father passed away. During the time he was sick, I got myself very used to having my phone with me all the time. I would answer the phone every time my mom called. Most of the time it wasn’t an emergency. I realized I got myself into a habit of keeping my phone out 100% of the time.

Is this app available in other languages?

 No, it’s just available in the US

How did you come up with the name StatusNow? 

 We went through a couple different names before decided on StatusNow. We were trying to come up with a name that would resonate with the person looking for someone and also for the someone posting. StatusNow is for both –if you’re looking for someone’s current status and also if you are posting your status. It also conveys that this NOW, real-time.

What are the benefits to using this App? How has it impacted your everyday?

 I have peace of mind. I feel like the App has my back.”The other day, a neighbor texted me last minute to go for a walk. Instead of texting my babysitter I was leaving, my husband that I may not be home when he gets back, etc., I put the status on my phone that I am out for a walk for 30 minutes and left my phone. It was a one stop”place to let everyone know just in case they needed me. I also love when I am waiting for a response for someone from work, and I look at the app to see they’re in a meeting, and I know when I should expect a response.

Are kids/teens with phones also able to use the App? Is it user-friendly?

 It is very user-friendly and a great App for kids/teens. One example, invite your core friends to connect with you, the people you hang out with the most. If you’re somewhere away from your phone (family dinner, sporting event, etc), create a status letting them know when you’ll be back. This way if you get invited somewhere last minute, your friends will know when to expect you back.You won’t miss out, and the person doing the inviting knows when they should hear from you.

Can the App sync with your Calendar?


 Is the App just for Away messages or does it offer alerts and connect with other organizations?

There are no alerts. We want to eliminate unnecessary communication. People only goes to the AppIF they need something. Therefore, I’m not sending emails and communications to my kids teachers (for example). It’s only if they need me, they could find me.

What other functions can the App provide?

 I have three favorite features:

1. It syncs with the calendar on your phone to eliminate a step. You can still create custom events,but if you want to using something existing, all you have to do is select who can view it.

2. If you have something that’s recurring, you can set up a repeat event.

3. When you invite someone to connect, you can set an expiration. The reason this is useful is that it will keep your groups very current. For example, if I invite summer counselors and create a summer group, I can invite them to be part of my list for 6 weeks. This way, I also know if I am giving permission to the summer group”to see a status that I posted that it’s this summer.


Can you make phone calls from the App?


Is the App free to download?


Where can we find more information about the App?

 Our Website, statusnowapp.com.

Tomás Doncker & The True Groove All-Stars with the Legendary Son of Bazerk Are Releasing New Single “Skin In The Game” July 23, 2019

Tomás Doncker & The True Groove All-Stars along with the legendary hip hop group Son of Bazerk featuring No Self Control are releasing their highly anticipated new single and music video “Skin In The Game” on Tuesday, July 23rd, 2019.


Son of Bazerk/No Self Control is an American hip hop group consisting of Son of Bazerk (real name Tony Allen), Almighty Jahwell (Jeffrey Height) and Half Pint (Cassandra Jackson). It was formed by Hank Shocklee, founding member of The Bomb Squad which produced such iconic Hip Hop artists as Public Enemy, Ice Cube,and Slick Rick.


The band formed in the mid-1980s, originally as Townhouse 3 with Son of Bazerk, Almighty Jahwell and Daddy Rawe. With the addition of Half Pint, the first hype/rap female M.C., they settled on the name Son Of Bazerk. The group released its debut album in 1991 called Bazerk, Bazerk, Bazerk, credited to Son of Bazerk featuring No Self Control and the Band, (produced by The Bomb Squad.) The album was critically acclaimed, and is considered a classic by other Hip Hop artists, scholars, and fans. Almost 20 years later, the group reunited and released an album produced by DJ Johnny Juice, titled Well Thawed Out on Chuck D ‘s label, Slam Jamz. The band’s return was heralded by such notable publications as The Village Voice and Time Out. 


Skin In The Game” was produced by original hip hop architect and Public Enemy/The Bomb Squad founding member, Keith Shocklee, who has joined NYC’s True Groove All-Stars production team and touring band.


In a recently issued statement Shocklee says:

“I’m very excited about expanding my relationship with True Groove. You know what I do, and to be able to add that to the heat that they’re already bringing, well…It’s definitely gonna be funky!”


True Groove CEO/ Musical Director Tomás Doncker adds:

“To have Keith (Shocklee) as a member of the True Groove Family is such an honor and a blessing. We’re looking forward to pushing the envelope further on the stage, and in the studio. It’s gonna be a blast!”


Shocklee’s first contribution to the label was with Finnish Soul Star Sam Huber- “NY#1: The Keith Shocklee Remix Project”. His upcoming contribution is as co-producer of True Groove label head Tomás Doncker’s “TRAPPED…In The Mess We Made”, the 3rd and final installment of his socially incendiary, critically acclaimed “The Mess We Made” trilogy.

“Skin In The Game,” a colorblind call to arms, is the 1st single from the project and is an all-star collaboration between Doncker, Shocklee, and

legendary hip hop group Son Of Bazerk.


The highly anticipated new single “Skin In The Game” will be available worldwide along with the new music video (directed by Dylan Mars Greenberg), on Tuesday July 23, 2019.


The official site for True Groove Records may be found at https://TrueGroove.NYC


For interviews or more information contact [email protected]



Eco-Terrorists Wage War Against Poachers/Big Game Hunters In The New Audiobook “Blood of the Beast”

Blood of the Beast is the story of an international French eco-terrorist group who has taken its name, ‘Le Gang de la Clé de Singe, ‘ from Edward Abbey’s novel The Monkey Wrench Gang. Although they originally formed to combat large corporations who showed little or no regard for the environment, they have recently decided to wage a world war against all poachers and big game hunters, as well as anybody in the world that targets any animals for sport, all in the name of Mother Nature.

Leading the charge are two friends, Todd Styles (aka Rodin, ) a Vietnam draft dodger who has become a leader in the international eco-terrorist group and Buzz Murdoch, a Hippie stoner living in Jamaica with his sidekick: a 1600-pound Bumble Bee Grouper. Blood of the Beast interweaves Rodin’s life of eco-terrorism, murder, and revenge with Buzz’s laidback peace-loving existence, ultimately bringing them together to fight a common enemy.

Le Gang de la Clé de Singe encounters many enemies, from elephant poachers in Africa to Japanese whalers in the Antarctic. Their targets range from a pro- football cheerleader to a Nazi sympathizer to a wealthy ex-presidential candidate and his family. Members of Le Gang de la Clé de Singe always leave a special calling card: a yellow flag emblazoned with a black skull and crossed wrenches hung around their victim’s neck. They are ruthless and show no mercy, be it man or woman there are no exceptions. The gang is considered by every nation to be pirates and outlaws leaving them constantly on the run to continue to fight the self-righteous belief that the world is ours to destroy.

Beacon Audiobooks has just released Blood of the Beast written by author M. Ward Leon and narrated by Steven Sloan. Download your copy on Audible today:


The official website for Beacon Audiobooks may be found at https://www.beaconaudiobooks.com

Follow Beacon Audiobooks on Twitter @BeaconAudiobook

For interviews or more information contact [email protected]

Nathan Nelson and His Entertainment Crackers New Album “Amerijuanacana” Now Available Worldwide!

Nathan Nelson and His Entertainment Crackers’ Spectra Music Group debut album “Amerijuanacana” is now available worldwide. Download your copy today on all digital download platforms.

Nathan Nelson emerged onto the Atlanta Blues scene in the early 2000’s. With his rich southern vocals and deeply soulful playing style, Nathan quickly became an artist that audiences sought out and local musicians were eager to collaborate with. Established players such as Bill Sheffield, Donnie Mccormick (Eric Quincy Tate), Oliver Wood (The Wood Brothers) and Blackberry Smoke, embraced Nathan as one of their own and he became a fixture at many blues venues all over Georgia.

In late 2007, Nathan connected with Dave Ross and Andy Tomko who are transplants from Florida and Pennsylvania, respectively. However, with Dave’s swampy bass licks and Andy’s subtle yet punchy percussion, you would swear that these three musicians grew up playing on back porches by moonlight their entire lives. And so it was that The Entertainment Crackers were born.

In a few short months, The Crackers culminated a signature sound that enriched classic blues standards and spawned original songs that audiences have grown to know and love. Nelson’s lyrical style gives listeners an unfiltered view of his perspective of the world. Whether it’s humor or heartache, Nathan Nelson and The Entertainment Crackers’ songs tell it to you straight. “Amerijuanacana” transcends labels and exists as a singular work of honest songwriting. With a timeless blues aesthetic, well crafted story telling and a vocal style that is un-paralleled, Nathan Nelson and his Entertainment Crackers continue to write their chapter onto the pages of Southern music.

“Amerijuanacana” by Nathan Nelson and His Entertainment Crackers is now available worldwide and can be downloaded on iTunes in the United States here:


Stream “Amerijuanacana” by Nathan Nelson and His Entertainment Crackers on Spotify here:


The official website for The Spectra Music Group may be found at http://www.spectramusicgroup.com

Follow Spectra Music Group on Twitter @SpectraMusicInc
For more information or interviews with Nathan Nelson and His Entertainment Crackers contact [email protected]

SVTV – The Digital Media Platform Built for Strong Voices In The LGBTQ Community, Its Allies, Advocates, and Fans!

The SVTV Network is changing the world of online television, digital media, & entertainment within the LGBTQIA community, its allies, and advocates. SVTV Network (noun): Strong Voices Television, the VOD, digital distribution network, created to serve the underrepresented LGBTQIA community, its allies & advocates in film, television, and digital media. More than just a VOD platform but a purposeful, mission driven community, dedicated to educate, entertain, and inspire!

Digital media is defined by the SVTV Network as videos, movies, film, podcasts, music, books, magazines, software, and video games, from creatives of the LGBTQIA community, its advocates and allies.

Whether you are gay, straight, or indifferent, the SVTV Network provides a platform for a community of filmmakers, and digital creatives to be seen, and allow their Strong Voices to be heard! A community where fans, followers, and influencers can see the works of their favorites, and find new creators to support who look just like them from around the world!

SVTV Network officially launched it’s on demand network in the Fall of 2016 as a website and app combination, allowing viewers to watch our lives, our stories, our way, on demand and on the go. Since then, the network has grown into a digital media distributor serving the LGBTQIA community, its allies and advocates. A movement is upon us, one created to educate, entertain, and inspire through diversity, inclusion, and growth. Join the Strong Voices Movement!

Check out our amazing line-up of movies and shows here:


Don’t miss our newest primetime hit show “Stud Model Project: The Series,” a reality competition searching for America’s sexiest LGBTQ Stud Model.

“Stud Model Project: The Series” disrupts the labels and gender norms within the LGBTQ community. The mission of the series is to break barriers, and deconstruct the labels placed on the dominants within the LGBTQ community. Not only will you watch some of the sexiest stud models from around the country wearing the hottest fashions, as part of this groundbreaking reality show the cast of incredible models will share stories and reflect on their identities.  A competition with self-reflection, advocacy, table talk and camaraderie, bringing meaningful moments that will educate and inspire viewers.

Part of the SVTV Network’s mission is to provide support and philanthropy through various events, partnerships and campaigns to give back to the community through education and the monetization of their creative works. All the effort, money, work, and creativity that creatives put into their projects can now be highlighted and distributed through a platform that serves the LGBTQIA community and those who support it.

Join the movement today as we carry the torch with a mission to bring equality to digital media through partnerships, collaborations, advocacy, and representation in digital media.

Become a part of the positive vibe as we move forward to support the mission of shaping the narrative of the LGBTQIA community in film and digital media. Become a subscriber, supporter, and advocate for the mission of the SVTV Network and the community it serves.

Subscribe Today https://www.SVTVNetwork.com


Think:Exp Supergroup Headlining The Famous O.Z.O.R.A. Festival In Dáopuszta, Hungary July 30th, 2019

On Tuesday July 30, 2019, the Think:EXP Supergroup will be headlining the famous O.Z.O.R.A. Festival in Dáopuszta, Hungary, in a historic performance mashing their own unique rendition of a Pink Floyd Experience with EDM music. The O.Z.O.R.A. Festival began in 1999 to celebrate a solar eclipse and has since become one of the most influential psychedelic trance festivals in the world.


The greatness of a culture can be found in its festivals. Festivals promote diversity and bring neighbors into dialogue.  “As one of the most immersive festivals in the world, this keeps with the essence of Think:EXP’s mission to create immersive experiences by reimagining the classics.  In the case of this show, we are mashing together our all-star band playing the timeless music of Pink Floyd with Gaudi’s original soundscapes,” said Scott Page, founder and CEO of Think:EXP and saxophonist (Pink Floyd, Supertramp, Toto).  O.Z.O.R.A. combines 6 stages of colorful artists with activities and workshops all taking place at a scenic site worthy of exploration. The theme of the festival is “Push your mind further”, as it is a truly consciousness raising experience.


Headlining as the Only Live Band at the festival, along with Scott Page are Stephen Perkins, (Jane’s Addiction/drums), Norwood Fisher, (Fishbone/bass), Kenny Olson, (Kid Rock T.B.T./Guitar), Derek Day, (vocals/guitar), Jon Stankorb, (Signs of Life/guitar), Eric Mayron, (Dr. Dre/keyboard), Roberta Freeman, (Guns N’ Roses, Pink Floyd/vocals), and Kitten Kurai, (Elvis Costello/vocals) all teaming up with internationally recognized electronic solo artist, Gaudi, (synthesizer, Theremin, Dub).


Think:EXP strives to revolutionize the entertainment industry by bridging the gap between the human spirit and technological innovation with one-of-a-kind live, immersive concert experiences.


Gaudi is a composer, record producer, and musician with 17 solo albums to his credit. Dub, electronic, reggae, and worldbeat have been some of the genres that has surfaced throughout his career. Born in Italy he began his career in 1981 as a keyboard player for New-wave bands, and gained recognition in the underground scene for his production work. Gaudi is currently based in London and tours globally.


The official website for the O.Z.O.R.A. Festival may be found at https://ozorafestival.eu

Battle Beasts and Monsters In The New Audiobook “Franklin Hobbs and the Quagmire of Darkness”

In a quiet Minnesota town, twelve-year-old Franklin Hobbs and his mother, Angel, find themselves being stalked by a malicious foe, one that can appear as a human in almost every way, except for a single detail…it doesn’t have a face. The saga all begins on the eve of his tenth birthday. While Franklin sleeps soundly, he is visited by two competing entities; one that wants to murder him and one that hopes to help him. He awakens the next morning to find out that he has been healed of a crippling injury, which had kept him bound to a wheelchair since he was two. But on the same night, he is also gifted with strange and wonderful powers that he will need as he journeys to discover who he really is and why he is being hunted. With the help of some faithful friends, Franklin Hobbs will do battle with bloodthirsty beasts and encounter other savage monsters as he travels out of Earth and into a dark, parallel version of what he knows. Here, on his enemy’s territory, he will also face the most dangerous opposition of all…the Darkness that grows inside of him.

Beacon Audiobooks has just released  “Franklin Hobbs and the Quagmire of Darkness” the new novel written by author D. Hudson Hallow and narrated by Dan Gilvezan. Download your copy on Audible today:


The official website for Beacon Audiobooks  may be found at http://www.beaconaudiobooks.com

Follow Beacon Audiobooks on Twitter @BeaconAudiobook

For interviews or more information contact [email protected]

Bear Market Riot Creates Musical Uproar With New Album “Power-Folk Americana”

Bear Market Riot have just released their highly anticipated Spectra Music Group debut album “Power-Folk Americana.” Now available for worldwide, download your copy today!

Bear Market Riot is the “Power-Folk” duo of Kirk Nordby and Nick Motil. Formed in 2014 on the Central Coast of California, their energetic blend of sounds from folk to funk resonates with audiences of all ages. They are two heartfelt voices singing in harmony playing five instruments with their hands and feet, telling tales of adventure, equality, and romance. With a driving beat and layers of melody, Motil and Nordby create a sound greater than the sum of its parts.

Bear Market Riot won SLO New Times readers poll pick for “Best Band” the last two years in a row! In 2017 they were runner-up in the High Sierra Music Festival Band Competition. As the emcees of Whale Rock Music Festival and frequent radio guests, they’ve earned a reputation as energetic hype-men. They’ve opened for the Brother’s Comatose, Fruition, The Lil’ Smokies, Horseshoes and Hand Grenades, Lukas Nelson, and Nicki Bluhm, among others.

Their first full-length album “Power-Folk Americana” has just been released through the Spectra Music Group. The duo’s upbeat songs and catchy lyrics are complemented by Motil’s toe-tapping beats and Nordby’s sizzling harmonica leads. Self-produced through a successful Kickstarter campaign, the album tells spirited stories of relationships and our place in the social fabric.

Download your copy of “Power-Folk Americana” by Bear Market Riot on iTunes here:


Stream Bear Market Riot “Power-Folk Americana” on Spotify here:


The official website for The Spectra Music Group may be found at http://www.spectramusicgroup.com

Follow Bear Market Riot on Twitter @bearmarketriot

For more information or interviews with Bear Market Riot contact [email protected]

Garyk Lee Style TV Releases “Loretta’s Opera “Me Too” Nity Part 1 & 2”

Artist/Designer/TV Host Garyk Lee has just released the latest episode of Garyk Lee Style TV titled “Loretta’s Opera “Me Too” Nity Parts 1 & 2” featuring the slanderously charming, sarcastingly inspiring and arrogantly captivating Loretta Christiansenson. If she is not “Spraying Away The Gay”  on every LGBTQ  person she meets then she is innocently contriving ways to annoy the planet, which is why everyone loves her and she is becoming a Youtube viral sensation.


In “Loretta’s Opera “Me Too” Nity Parts 1 & 2, Loretta Christiansenson once again highjacks Garyk Lee Style TV to interview a renown NYC Opera Duo in her own “Lucy” fashion, which is just the way she wants it.


Garyk Lee is a world renowned creator, artist, fashion designer and media personality who’s new show Garyk Lee Style TV is now available worldwide on YouTube.  His work has been praised by some of the biggest names in the business including Mr. Blackwell, International Fashion Critic and designer Albert Nipon.

He created a fashion theater style runway show in honor of Christopher Reeve, where the new name “The Christopher Reeve Foundation” was launched. Dinner chairs for this amazing event included Steven Spielberg, Albert and Pearl Nipon, and Sherry Lansing, CEO of Paramount Studios.

For two years in a row he designed the Daytime Emmy Award gala gown for Palm Spring’s own Judith Chapman, star of “The Young and the Restless.”

Watch Garyk Lee Style “Loretta’s Opera “Me Too” Nity Part 1 here:




and “Loretta’s Opera “Me Too” Nity Part 2 here:




The official website for Garyk Lee may be found at https://www.garyklee.com


Follow Garyk Lee Style TV on twitter @GarykLeeStyleTV


Rebecca Sounds Reveille with Giuseppe Lentini

Giuseppe Lentini was born in Belgian from Sicilian parents. His father was an Opera Singer and his home was filled with music and inspiration. So much so, it was natural for Giuseppe to follow in his father’s footsteps. Eventually, he set off to London in 2014 and was in an “X factor” episode. Simon Cowell praised him and told him not to ever give up, which encouraged him further to win an actor showcase. He later landed roles in an “AutoTrader “commercial “Driving Characters on Dave”, the stylish “White Fog E-Cigarette” commercial, and an Amazon Prime feature “Raymond’s 5:. Giuseppe has also been cast in a role as a Goblin in Disney’s “Artemis Fowl” (2019) directed by British actor, director, Sir Kenneth Branagh.

Recently, Giuseppe was in Hollywood and he was advised he should move to the United States to land more roles and become immersed in the entertainment industry. On the show, Giuseppe reminisces about his childhood. He would listen to his father always singing, rehearsing, and teaching his eldest brothers and sisters. At 4 or 5 years of age, he would say “I want to learn! I want to learn” and his father would tell him that “his time would come”. In his home, opera was not the only genre of music played. There was a wide variety of music, so he was exposed to many languages as well. Giuseppe speaks French, Italian, and English. At the age of 16, by this time having had experienced many challenges in life, wrote his first ballad, “Believe in Yourself.” Giuseppe believes in dreams and sticking to your efforts. With this, success comes opportunity.

He also talks about the process and his time spent on the X factor; he even sings a few bars! The interesting story and irony in the music he chose for the show it was that of Michael Jackson and it turned out to be the same day of his passing. Giuseppe shares another ironic tidbit that one must tune in to hear reference George Michael.

There is so much energy and elation coming across the screen and airways from Giuseppe Lentini, it is easy to see and hear his gifts as a performer. He also has beauty in expressing and conveying average conversation that makes images lite up about mundane activities we all do. Giuseppe will touch your heart as you listen to him share with you about a series he is working on and possibly converting into a feature film and also working on a feature film and screenplay. While talking about these endeavors in the entertainment industry, he conveys a remarkable part of his daily living working as a PA, helping those with children Autism and other people with disabilities. His goal was to take the inspiration from those he cared for and shed light on their world with his screenplay. Giuseppe tells the situation of a 92-year-old man who he has cared for that no longer feels like he exists; though he has traveled the world, he is invisible.

Ladies, be ready to be mesmerized as Giuseppe serenades you on this episode! Gents, you are sure to also be inspired because you are going to have a lot of joyful smiles as well!




Award Winning R&B/Pop Artist Ian Guerin Releases Highly Anticipated Sophomore Album “Irreplaceable”

Indie R&B/Pop singer/songwriter/producer Ian Guerin has recently released his highly anticipated sophomore album Irreplaceable.  Released by Streetwalker Entertainment, Irreplaceablespotlights influences from a vast range of genres including R&B, Soul, Gospel, Pop and Funk, also featuring songs that are reminiscent of music from the amazing musical decades of the past.

Writing and performing since age 9, Guerin is now a mature musical force to be reckoned in the world of entertainment, and his new album Irreplaceablehas already spawned several hits including the four time award-winning UK Best R&B Soul Song of the year Cry, UK #1 single Roll The Dice,  and four time award-winning UK #1 single Free Time that has just been released in the United States.

Download Free Timeon iTunes in the United States here:


Watch the Free Timemusic video by Ian Guerin here:


Irreplaceable is a lyrical journey through reminiscence, introspection, empowerment and emotional growth as a consequence of experiences through the ups and downs of love, life and living.

Download your copy of Irreplaceable on iTunes in the United States here:


Follow Ian Guerin on the web:

Ian Guerin Album “Irreplaceable” Streaming https://songwhip.com/album/ian-guerin/irreplaceable

Twitter @IAmIanGuerin

Instagram https://instagram.com/IAmIanGuerin

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/IAmIanGuerin

Reverbnation https://www.reverbnation.com/ianguerin

For interviews or more information contact [email protected]



“Look What A Wonder” Martha’s Vineyard Performing Arts Center Monday August 12th, 2019

Martha’s Vineyard Performing Arts Center is hosting a Free Admission concert performance of the Prize Winning Off-Broadway Gospel Musical “Look What A Wonder” on Monday, August 12th, 2019.

An amazing fictionalized account of the Denmark Vessey Slave Conspiracy of 1822, relive the gut-wrenching choices of real life Black leaders Morris Brown and Denmark Vesey had to make in their quest for true freedom in this inspiring and heartbreaking performance.

Read a more detailed description of the Denmark Vessey Slave Conspiracy of 1822 here:


“A Story…that needs to be told and retold to our children and to all Americans.”’ -Oskar Eustis, Artistic Director, Public Theater, New York City

“Look What A Wonder” at the Martha’s Vineyard Performing Arts Center is sponsored by the Ford Foundation, Abby Rockefeller and Lee Halprin, Eileen Rockefeller and Paul Growald in partnership with Newark Arts.

The performance will be video-taped to be used in the Newark School system to teach Awareness of Slavery and it’s Present Day Legacy, touching but not limited to such topics as reparations, Black on Black violence, The Middle Passage, children and teens in slavery and slavery’s economic profit in relationship to the growth of America, in particular the economic growth of New York City.

For free tickets email: [email protected]Please leave name, email and number of tickets and a reply confirmation will follow. Show is appropriate for 8 years old and up.

For more information on “Look What A Wonder” go to https://www.lwaw.co

The Classic Summer Disco Extravaganza Presented By SoHoJohnny.com Saturday August 10th, 2019 Stamford, Connecticut

The Classic Summer Disco Extravaganza presented by SoHoJohnny.com is taking place on Saturday August 10th, 2019, from 12PM -1 AM at the Italian Center Of Stamford, in Stamford, Connecticut.

The Classic Summer Disco Extravaganza is being co-hosted by TV/Film Star Deney Terrio and John “SOHOJOHNNY” Pasquale. Deney Terrio is the Legendary TV Host of “Dance Fever,” and was also John Travolta’s dance coach in the 1977 classic film “Saturday Night Fever.”

The Classic Summer Disco Extravaganza will be featuring live performances by the original artists:

Harold Melvin’s Blue Notes (“If You Don’t Know Me by Now”, “The Love I’ve Lost”)

Teri Desario (“Ain’t Nothing Gonna Keep Me From You”)

Double Exposure (“My Love Is Free” “Ten Percent”)

Jimmy Bo Horne (“Dance Across The Floor”)

Tavares (“Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel” “It Only Takes A Minute” “More Than A Woman”)

Constantine Maroulis (American Idol Finalist, 2 Time Tony Award Nominee)

Fonda Rae (“Touch Me (All Night Long)”)

Sharon Brown (“I Specialize In Love”)

Raydio Featuring Arnell Carmichael (“You Can’t Change That”)

Instant Funk (“I Got My Mind Made Up (You Can Get It Girl)”)

Heatwave (“The Groove Line”)

Planet Patrol (“Play At Your Own Risk”)

Monti Rock III (“Get Dancin’” “Disco Tex and His Sex-O-Lettes”)

The Classic Summer Disco Extravaganza will also feature Tribute Performances To the following Legendary artists:

Teddy Pendergrass Experience featuring Stan “The Man” Hampton

George Michael – Robert Bartko

Luthor Vandross – Danny Clay


Tickets include an Outdoor Daytime Tented BBQ starting at 12 PM, and also an Evening Buffet in the Grand Ballroom!

Don’t Miss this amazing event with a Live Red Carpet Show Taping and Live Music All Day and Evening Long!

VIP Celebrity Meet and Greet Tickets Available!!!

 Ample Hotel Accomodations Nearby!

 Order Your Tickets Today on SoHoJohnny.com

If you would prefer to buy tickets over the phone, call 1-888-SOHOJNY (Ask For Classic Summer Disco Extravaganza)

Become a Sponsor of the HOTTEST Summer Concert Of The Year: https://www.sohojohnny.com/sponsors

All Original Artists, Rain or Shine, Dance the Day and Night Away!

Portion of Proceeds to Benefit the American Cancer Society

For More Information go to https://www.SoHoJohnny.com

For interview opportunities contact [email protected]

The Classic Summer Disco Extravaganza

Saturday August 10th, 2019

12 PM – 1 AM

The Italian Center of Stamford

1620 Newfield Avenue

Stamford, CT

“Reserve your tickets or advertising sponsorships now at sohojohnny.com

Or by phone at 1888 SOHOJNY

THATS 1-888-764-6569 and ask for the classic summer disco extravaganza


Country Music Artist Brian Grilli Releases Highly Anticipated New Single “Get Out Of This Life”


Spectra Music Group recording artist Brian Grilli has just released his highly anticipated new single “Get Out Of This Life.”  “Get Out Of This Life” is the follow up to his Billboard Hit Album “Deep South Symphony.”

Brian Grilli and his successful debut “Damn Good Day” got the Independent music world and the National music scene to take notice. The title track and first single climbed fast on the charts reaching #1 on Indieworld. Brian has written songs for “Sons of Anarchy” and the Award Winning Independent Documentary “Until It Hurts”.

Signed to Spectra Music Group, Brian Grilli’s most recent album “Deep South Symphony”  gained substantial radio airplay and media attention as it rose on the Billboard charts week after week. “Deep South Symphony” hit #17 on Billboard’s Top Americana/Folk Albums, #11 on Billboard’s Top Country Album Sales, #9 on Billboard’s Top Americana/Folk Album Sales and #2 on Billboard’s Heatseekers (National), #8 on Billboard’s Independent Album, #22 on Billboard’s Internet Albums, #62 on Billboard’s Top Current Albums, #26 on Billboard’s Emerging Artists, #1 on Billboard’s Heatseekers (South Atlantic), #1 on Billboard’s Heatseekers (South Central), #1 on Billboard’s Heatseekers (West North Central) and #2 on Billboard’s Heatseekers (Mid-Atlantic) Album Chart. Produced and Recorded by Andy Andersson (Fuel) at the legendary Sound Kitchen Studio in Nashville, TN. with a plethora of prominent musicians such as Peter Keys (Lynyrd Skynyrd), Jason Kott (Brent Cobb, Robert Randolph), Eddie “Cowboy” Long (Jamey Johnson, Hank Williams Jr.), Shannon Boone (Fuel), Steve Peffer (Alabama) and others playing on the tracks. Dan Baird (The Georgia Satellites) is featured on two of the tracks.

Brian has toured across the US, from Virginia Beach to Los Angeles, opening on some of the biggest stages for country stars Blackberry Smoke, Brantley Gilbert, Florida Georgia Line, Eli Young Band, Thomas Rhett, Tyler Farr and Stoney LaRue as well as rockers Cheap Trick, Styx, .38 Special and Lucero.

A former United States Navy Explosive Ordinance Disposal Technician and an Operation Enduring/Iraqi Freedom Combat Veteran, Brian has made his music a means for him to give back to his community. He is a Veteran Ambassador for the Boot Campaign and is a proud voting member of the Americana Music Association.

Pre-Order your copy of “Get Out Of This Life” by Brian Grilli on Itunes here:


Follow Brian Grilli on twitter @BGrillsMusic

The official website for Brian Grilli may be found at https://www.briangrilli.com

The official website for the Spectra Music Group may be found at https://www.spectramusicgroup.com

Follow the Spectra Music Group on Twitter @SpectraMusicInc


Power House Companies Place Indie Artist On The Map with a Viral Concept Video

From 106 YouTube subscribers to over 160k, and 60 million views on her music video, Tori Vjumped on a fast-track to stardom by collaborating with two powerhouse companies. 

Director Zane from Zane Productions and Holly Davidson & Ruthi Davis from iConnectYou.Today (ICT) are directly responsible for the success of the Independent Artist viral music video that helped her rise from zero to hero with a virtually nonexistent advertising budget.

Our editors caught up with the team responsible for hermassive success. Take a closer look at our insightful interview.

You have shot for many household named brands and signed artists. Did you know this video was going to have the reaction it did once it was placed? 

Zane Productions: 

I actually didn’t expect this video to receive the attention it did, but like any other project, I gave it my full attention as a director and made sure to make it as appealing and entertaining to young people as people!


Yes, and that is exactly why we developed the concept in the first place. Perhaps the most important facet of the process is analysis of the product, in this case the artists, and their greatest appeal and relatable aspects among their target demographic. From there, we zone in on the concept and strategize on every detail—from the lyrics, ages, demographics, etc. As long as we are part of the overall project, it typically hits and yields significant results, and in this case, organically.

What is your recommendation for emerging artists who are looking to receive similar success so quickly?

Zane Productions: 

Easy: KNOW YOUR BRAND! Without knowing that, you don’t know you image, you don’t know your market, and eventually you won’t know what to create and sell. Everything is a sales pitch, and if you’re not in this industry to sell, probably it’s not for you.


Hire our team! Collaborate with experts and stick to what you are good at doing. If you are the artist, stay as the artist. Stay in your lane and trust others with specific expertise outside of your lane.

 We understand that some videos go viral despite the budget allotted? 

 Zane Productions: 

Some of the most popular viral videos were created on mobile phones. It’s all about the concept! It’s all about the content. ICT had an amazing concept and as a director I was fully on board to develop the best treatment possible, hire the right crew, and bring it to life shot by shot.


Correct. Having money to help with ads, clicks, retargeting ads, giveaways,  etc. does help, but it’s not always the case. We see so many products and/or artists who have great videos, but when they don’t include a strategicPR and/or marketing engine behind the video, it goes nowhere. You not only want to produce a good video, but also know your market—that is everything—and you don’t always need a large budget. For instance this Barbie video had zero dollars for advertising and marketing, and is now grossing over 60 million views. Concept and delivery is everything.

Have you worked on other concepts with this artist? 

Zane Productions: 

Everything we do at ZANE Productions is conceptual. We don’t move forward with a video shoot unless we have a concept, a clear direction, a visual style, and a solid video treatment. We’ve delivered many videos that have gone viral and can’t wait to deliver more.

iConnectYou.today:Yes, we unfortunately advised another concept over the phone and spoke for about five minutes regarding the overall idea. However, Zane Productions and iconnectyou.today ( ICT) were not involved in the project. While the concept could have yielded huge results, it was spun wrong and only received 400k views. PR and marketing are the backbone for success. In this case, the song choice, video director and producer were not the right choice for the concept, and sadly didn’t yield the same results it should have.

What other concepts have you’ve developed for other artists and/or brands?

Zane Productions: 

Not sure where to start; we’re currently working with Disney, Marvel, Ubtech, EZ Inflatables and many more to deliver commercials and branded content to promote their products and services.


We have a huge concept for Coca-Cola. Our commercial concept will blow Gatorade brand execs’minds—and drastically reduce their advertising budget with a premise/concept that will be flipped upside down. We have also developed concepts for General Mills, and believe it or not, the NRA….

Can you tell us a little bit about your background and how you got started started?

Zane Productions: 

Back in 2015, I quit my full-time job and went through an exploration phase to figure out what I wanted to do with the rest of my life and most importantly what I would excel doing. After dabbling in a few things and nearly spending all of my savings, I met an independent artist who needed a video and barely had any money to shoot it. I jumped right in and volunteered to do it and even pay for part of the production expenses. I had absolutely NO IDEA what I was doing, but I knew that we lived in LA and all the right resources were here to make a video with no budget. After lots of research, reading, youtube tutorials, workshops, and guidance from experts, I directed my first music video on August 13, 2015. It’ll be 4 years next month since my directorial debut, and I’m proud to say that I have built a very successful video production company – ZANE Productions, LLC – and delivered over 100 videos to date!


Our experts have worked in the advertising, marketing, TV/film, music, and branding space. Some of our former clients include:Nike, Microsoft, Dr. Pepper, Panda Express, Tecate, CBSetc. We have implemented some of the most notable campaigns that often got picked by worldwide news to then realize it was a marketing and/or advertising concept.

How can we keep up with you?

Zane Productions:

I’d love to invite you to visit us at www.zane-productions.com


Tap into our website at  www.iconnectyou.today 

Watch the Barbie Girl Aqua Official Music Video Tori V Rap Remake here:



The PondHawks To Release Highly Anticipated New Single “Afraid of Love” on Friday July 26th, 2019

The PondHawks are releasing their highly anticipated new single “Afraid of Love” on Friday July 26th, 2019.

The PondHawks, are an award winning original band from Chicago who are changing the style of Pop/Rock music. Catchy melodies are exhilaratingly fresh and Beatles-esque. The songs are delightfully infectious with playful lyricism that is exuberant and gutsy. The band’s arsenal of music takes the listener on an eclectic journey into Indie Rock spirited by Classic Rock influences that transcend the boundaries of contemporary music. You could say The PondHawks have created a new music genre.

Formed in 2007 by songwriting partners Mario Novelli and Jorie Gracen, The PondHawks have since captured a worldwide audience with catchy melodies and a pioneering approach to music. Some may call it retro-rock with a now sound, but the band’s unique signature style falls into its own category.

The PondHawks have an artistry for storytelling, which evolves through meticulously crafted passages that create atmosphere and mood. Their music is driven by poetic lyricism that is clever and compelling. Stellar vocal harmonies intertwine seamlessly through musical interludes that unfold with stunning synchronicity and energy. Instruments are carefully selected to drive the melody and the emotional power of the song.

The PondHawks last album “Blue Light” made the 1stRound 2016 Grammys Ballot as well as making the NWI Times Top 10 region Albums of the year landing at #6. Their first critically acclaimed album “The PondHawks Have Landed” also charted at #7 on the same list in 2011.

Their single “River Grove” which was released in 2018 made the 61stGrammys 1stRound Ballot in four categories.

The PondHawks are currently the #1 ranked Indie band in the USA and in the world on the Reverbnation charts. They were selected out of 4 million bands to join the prestigious Reverbnation Connect A & R group based in New York City. Connect’s A & R Director, Matt DuFour described The PondHawks’ music as “timeless.


The PondHawks new single “Afraid of Love” will be available worldwide on Friday July 26th, 2019.  Request “Afraid of Love” at your favorite radio station today!

For interviews or more information contact [email protected]

Follow The PondHawks on the web:

















The PondHawks All Songs playlist








Cherie Oakley, the breakthrough country performer and writer behind a Billboard #1 by Reba McEntire, lands her debut single Work It on Radio Disney Country. Listeners can tune in today on the Radio Disney or iHeartRadio app to hear the tune that CMT called the “sonic love-child of Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj’s Bang, Bang and Christina Aguilera’s Fighter for a country audience.”


“I am so excited that Radio Disney Country listeners will now get to hear Work It!” says Cherie. “To be featured on a platform that supports female voices is fantastic. I hope the new listeners enjoy this tune and feel inspired to Work It while they’re streaming the station.”


Cherie grew up singing with her family full time on the road in evangelism touring churches, fairs and festivals. Music wasn’t her only passion that began at an early age. She also started acting during her childhood appearing in various musical theater productions. Moving to Nashville at the age of 20, Cherie began singing background vocals in the studio and on tour for acts like Carrie Underwood, Kelly Clarkson, Gretchen Wilson, Martina McBride, Mary J. Blige, Idina Menzel and Amy Grant.  She would score a breakthrough as a writer when Reba McEntire charted her 60th Top 10 career single with Turn on the Radio penned by Cherie, Mark Oakley and J.P. Twang.  The song would go all the way to #1 on the Billboard Hot Country Songs chart on January 1, 2011. That same year, Cherie would make her debut TV appearance on the premiere season of NBC’s hit series The Voice, landing a spot on Christina Aguilera’s team. After building a grassroots following on the singer-songwriter circuits, Cherie signed with Number One Group in 2017 and started work on her debut EP under the wings of ACM and CMA award-winning producer Dann Huff which will premiere in the fall of 2019.

Work It is available on all major online retailers including: Apple MusicAmazonGoogle Play & Spotify. Penned by Cherie, Mark Oakley & David Fanning,Work It came to life in the recording studio under the wings of legendary trailblazer Dann Huff. The Huff family influence also transferred to the video set when Dann’s daughter Ashlyne choreographed the dance scenes. The video has premiered on CMT and The Country Network and is currently airing at gyms across the U.S. and Canada. The song recently received the DisCovery Award from famed reviewer Robert K. Oermann of Music Row stating that this is “a peppy, female empowerment banger with crunchy beats and a slight soul sister vocal vibe. Shake your groove thang.”

Follow Cherie Oakley on the web:

Official Website: https://www.cherieoakley.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CherieOakleyMusic/

Twitter: @cherieoakley

Instagram: probablycherieoakley



Aviva Reimer To Release Highly Anticipated New Book “BECOMING THE TOTAL PACKAGE” on July 13, 1019

Aviva Reimer is releasing her highly anticipated new book BECOMING THE TOTAL PACKAGE on Saturday July 13th, 2019.  “Choose The Love You Deserve For The Life You Want.”

Aviva Reimer is one of Canada’s preeminent authorities on life transformation, relationship building, and matchmaking. She is highly regarded in her effective techniques on Personal Development, Life Coaching, and Fitness. Aviva’s personal experiences in life and her successful entrepreneurship endeavors via several leadership capacities have culminated in her unique ability to connect with her clients.

With Aviva’s help, her extensive list of notable clients have transformed themselves into extraordinary and dynamic individuals. They have learned what it takes to truly and unconditionally love and cherish themselves. With Aviva’s help, her clients have discovered the secrets to building loving, long-lasting and respectful relationships and she can do the same for you. Whether you are seeking the guidance of a personal coach, life coach, relationship coach or an overall wellness coach, Aviva’s techniques are highly effective and can help you in any stage of your life.

Certified by the prestigious ‘Matchmaking Institute of New York,’ Aviva has made numerous media appearances, including ET Canada, “The Millionaire Matchmaker” on Bravo!, as well as writing for The Huffington Post, Zoomer, Viva, among many others.

Aviva’s holistic philosophy on life and the easy to follow steps to reinventing yourself, your surroundings and your interconnected relationships is the powerful and life-changing message behind BECOMING THE TOTAL PACKAGE.

What does Becoming the Total Package actually mean?

It means different things to different people. When it comes to our preferences in looks, personality, and character – we all have our own unique way of seeing the world. However, challenges in life and heartbreak inevitably affect all of us in different ways. We may not always be emotionally or mentally equipped to deal with them, which is why we sometimes need a helping hand. The best way for you to overcome these challenges and to get everything you want out of life is to optimize every aspect of your life. In other words, invest in yourself and begin your journey towards finding balance, confidence and happiness.

BECOMING THE TOTAL PACKAGEis the culmination of decades of intimate and life changing experiences achieved through Aviva Reimer’s philosophy in personal transformation, personal development and her highly regarded and renowned matchmaking techniques.

Pre-Order your copy of BECOMING THE TOTAL PACKAGE by Aviva Reimer on her official website here:


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ANYONE Can Innovate by John McDonnell

Search the Internet for the top 10 “inventions” of all time and you’ll come up with fire, the wheel, the printing press, the Internet, etc. Change the search for “innovations” and some of the same items appear again: fire and the printing press, for example.

Who among us believes we can come up with new ideas as powerful those? Not I!  So let’s step down from such mighty ideas as fire. Let’s think more humbly.

The French, for example, get credit for their innovative take on bread. The slender baguette was popularized in the 1920’s as a response to new labor laws requiring bread to be made more quickly and easily than traditional round loaves. Thinner and longer baguettes took less time and effort, which is how a famous innovation was born.

Next, a Japanese example. Portable, pre-recorded music the size of an index card had been around since 1954. By the time pre-recorded audiotapes emerged in the late 1960’s, Sony had invented a large hand-held “Walkman” to make music portable. After the company’s co-founder asked for something more travel-friendly to use with headphones, Sony launched its compact music player in 1979. It soon took over the 80’s as “The Walkman.”

Those are impressive illustrations, for sure. But as someone who’s been privileged to be part of less grand improvements in my particular field, I’ve come to appreciate that a valuable innovation doesn’t have to be earth-shattering. The simple fact is that ANY of us can innovate … as long as we bring the right open-minded attitude to our daily lives.

Myself, I’ve been lucky to be in the right place at the right time. That has given me the opportunity to play a supportive role in two innovations I believe in. But my ultimate point is much broader than what these stories illustrate. It’s to share how good it feels to help change things for the better.

I get no “credit” at all for the first innovation, and it’s certainly not a grand one. We’re not talking about inventing the light bulb! Merely changing the world’s perceptions of what a tequila could actually be. Even so, as humble as that is, I can tell you that it’s been satisfying to be a part of creating new perceptions. Here’s how I got the chance ….

In January 2005, I joined The Patrón Spirits Company as Chief Operating Officer. For decades the words that came to mind when someone said “tequila” often included “cheap” … “strong” … “harsh” … “foul.” It was the kind of drink you’d only consume if you could first DISGUISE its taste with sugar, lime, salt or whatever else could get you through it.

Talk to someone back then about trying Patrón Tequila for the first time in their lives, and often you’d hear stories about some nightmarish experience of doing shots with a different tequila — a poor quality tequila … one that led the consumer to kneel down before what Americans sometimes call the “porcelain goddess,” awaiting the drinker in the bathroom.

But the truth is, Patrón was (and still is) different. Unlike other tequilas, it began with only the finest agave plants in Jalisco State’s highlands. Inferior, cheaper ingredients were simply not acceptable. What’s more, its production never cut corners. Patrón used only ancient, genuinely historic methods for crushing the juice — the roller mill and tahona wheel. None of the mass manufacturing used in ordinary tequila brands.

Every product was aged in American oak barrels and bottled by hand. In fact – for real – over 60 human hands touched each individual bottle of Patrón. From artisans blowing the glass, with no two bottles alike … to personally applying the labels, each numbered by hand … along with wrapping every bottle. That steady approach to quality and craft paid off in consumer acceptance.

Knowledge supports effective innovation and our qualitative research with consumers taught us never to advertise Patrón as a “tequila” but as an “ultra-premium white spirit.” Previously, that phrase was pretty much limited to vodkas, gins and rums. No tequila was smooth enough to join the club … until Patrón’s innovations demonstrated a new possibility for how tequila could actually TASTE!

My task was to help spread word of the product’s quality and authenticity around the globe. I’m not saying it was easy, but the core product was a reality. By being consistent and truthful in every country, bar and liquor store I visited, I was glad to play a part in changing the global perception of what a tequila couldbe: ultra-premium!

How successful was the effort? Patrón became the world’s #1 tequila brand in retail value. Okay, so it wasn’t the wheel. But within that product category and in its industry, that transformation was considered awesome. I’m grateful I had the chance to experience being part of it.

Innovations aren’t limited to products, of course.

In the fall of 2018, I was honored to recommend a totally new approach to the global duty free industry … a change that you, yourself, might experience when you travel in years to come.

My presentation took place in October, 2018 at the Trinity Forum conference in Shanghai, China. The focus of that annual event is global airport commercial revenues … reflecting your purchases in duty free shops around the world. Those transactions require the interactions not just of retailers, but also of the airlines that bring you to the stores … and the airports in which they are housed.

What I was excited to propose was a response to today’s digital era in which younger consumers, especially, are much more likely to place orders from their mobile phones than to actually walk into a store. The future of shopping is digital, plain and simple. Just look at the kids around you on their mobile phones!

In suggesting a new approach to global duty free selling, I was inspired by and gave credit to other innovators in the field. Example: AirAsia has been pioneering a mobile app for its travel retail business. Emirates airlines is building an information system to sell consumer services for an entire trip. Even Uber is creating mobile digital services for customer convenience with Starbucks, OpenTable and United Airlines.

Those are all signs of a changing world – and the need to “get digital” in appealing to traveling Millennials and younger passengers. The younger people are these days, the more they live online … doing everything on mobile phones.

So what was the proposed innovation? A new global duty free phone app that would bring different travel retail organizations together for customer convenience. Among the primary three involved were:

TFWA — an association of brands participating in the global duty free market.
MEADFA – the Middle East & Africa Duty Free Association.

IAADFS – the International Association of Airport Duty Free Stores.

The core idea of the app is to help each participating business reach Millennials and iGens via digital media … enticing them to purchase by texting incentives, savings and special deals to their phones. Real benefits for consumers = more business for the marketers offering them.

Receptivity to the idea was exciting. Don’t be surprised in the next few years if you experience innovations in the ways you make duty free purchases, can pay for them and then have them delivered to wherever you want – all via your phone!

I admit it: these few innovations I’m pleased I could be a small part of are relatively puny. It’s absurd to compare them to inventing a light bulb, fire or a printing press. But that is precisely my point! Any of us … EACH of us … can innovate, even in tiny ways. And doing so feels good.

All that’s required is a willingness to step back from your daily life. Give yourself a chance to take a fresh look at the various things you do at work and at home. What’s working especially well around you and in your life? What isn’t? You might find that taking even a small bit of time to ask yourself those questions leads you to a new idea to experiment with and learn from.

You’ve got nothing to lose by giving life a fresh look and – who knows? – your own MENTAL “light bulb” might switch on as a result!

Follow John McDonnell on the web:

Official Website https://www.McDonnellSpeaks.com

Follow John McDonnell on Twitter @McDonnellSpeaks


Rebecca Sounds Reveille with Rodney Damon Collins and Lester Greene

This is a double feature starring Rodney Damon Collins and Lester Greene. On the first of this two-part feature, Rebecca and Rodney talk about Rodney’s venture as an American actor and author. He is also a director and motivational speaker. Rodney is graduate of Bowling Green State University and has pursued his passion for the arts through modeling for American Greetings, local print ads, several independent films and theater projects in Cleveland, Ohio.

This episode really allows you to connect with Rodney in a way that maybe not too many have heard and really should. The details he shares on the show affect so many people not only in America, but around the world who are struggling and need hope. Not only does he provide the inspiration on the show, but offers to share some of his personal story. The story, his story, led him to write and publish, Shattered: A Journey Through the Pieces, available now on Kindle and soon to be released March 14, 2019 in print. https://www.amazon.com/Shattered-Journey-Rodney-Damon-Collins-ebook/dp/B07MQPCV7M/ref=sr_1_fkmrnull_1?keywords=rodney+damon+collins&qid=1550800464&s=gateway&sr=8-1-fkmrnull
Rodney is also a contributor to The Father Effect by John Finch https://www.thefathereffect.com/single-post/2018/08/17/The-Present-Father
(you can also see his contribution at this link)

For More information about Rodney Damon Collins, click the links below

This second episode brings a bursting new actor on the horizon, who if you are following, will find is constantly on the move and in the groove, Lester Greene. He is talented in so many areas that if you haven’t discovered his work, now is the time! He can not only be heard through the music he writes, produces, and sings, but he has also authored an inspirational book (more below), and can be seen on camera starring in films, as well as, producing them.

Lester witnessed a shooting that caused him to rethink his entire existence, leading him to write about it. He was so inspired that he then chose to follow his older brother down the path of becoming a rapper and went on to produce four rap albums before calling it quits. 
Greene had a friend named Henry who suggested that he pursue acting, considering he already had a stage presence from his rapping days.  Greene began doing background work until he saw Larenz Tate up close and personal. Tate’s acting had inspired him to the point that Greene knew what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. Act! While pursuing his acting career, Greene drives a bus to support his passion.
Lester Greene’s second act is now in full swing having already worked with 50 Cent (50 Central) and Omari Hardwick (Power). He has studied with the likes of Alec Baldwin (Southampton Theatre), Peter Miner (Terry Schreiber Studios), Matt Newton, and Mary Boyer. He landed several speaking roles on television shows like Gotham, Jon Glaser Loves Gear, and Rachael Ray. He has also landed speaking roles in commercials for Chase, Rogaine, AAO, FYI, Amazon, MTB Bank, Citizen Watch, Peeps Delights, Buzzfeed, Boost Mobile, We The Internet TV, Crown Royal, Brooks and many more. Greene won best actor for his role in Driving Force at the Atlantic City Cinefest Downbeach Film Festival, and he won the Actors’ Showdown Monologue Competition at the Las Vegas Black Film Festival. 
Independently, Greene has starred in and produced six short films, two of which aired on CBS through the African American Short Films program. He even wrote and published a book that is now available on Amazon called, “Act Like You Love Yourself.” The sky is the limit for this young budding star. It’s only a matter of time before he hits superstardom. Greene is producing two series shows, one of which will star celebrated actress Deetta West. 
To learn more and connect with Lester, click here: https://www.lestergreene.com/

Rebecca Sounds Reveille with Al Caicedo and Shanna Toft

This double feature gives you an opportunity to enrich your life financially and get inspired by an actress who has been on the move! Al Caicedo is the President and Owner of “CKS Summit Group” and is the guest on the first show within this episode. Al found himself handcuffed to other peoples ideas and beliefs on how corporate shackles on finances were and he did not like that mentality. He decided to go independent to change the way finances can be designed to truly help people maintain their lifestyle and see “the more”. He feels it is an honor to help people and see their dreams come true.
Rebecca and Al talk about what your ally is to make your investments and fiances multiply along with other things that can lead you to a healthier financial position.

Al’s focus and objective is to help ensure his clients are able to enjoy their lifestyle beyond the workplace and into their retirement years through education that enables them to decide for themselves, the financial path they should follow. He has spent twenty years helping clients protect and preserve their assets and utilizes his safe money strategies which have helped clients save millions of dollars during the latest market collapse. Al is an asset preservation consultant and transitional planning specialist. The goals and objectives of a transitional client are more geared toward safety and risk elimination, peace of mind, developing income options and tax savings strategies, avoiding probate, and reducing or eliminating the potential for loss to a nursing home. His practice focuses on addressing the distinctive financial needs of those nearing retirement and those who are already retired.

Al is a member of the “Presidential Who’s Who” and the” Million Dollar Round Table.” He has been featured in the following publications: “Oakland Press”, the “Detroit News”, “Observer & Eccentric”, “Builder Magazine”, “Consumers Digest”, “WWJ News Radio 950”, “WDIV-TV Channel 4″,”Fox 2 Detroit,” and “C&G Newspaper.”

Al Caicedo

This second show on the episode is quite an inspiration as guest Shanna Toft, a mother of 5, gives an electric discussion as she talks about how she got into show business. Shanna grew up in the Austin, Texas area before moving to the Dallas-Fort Worth area for high school. Shanna attended the University of North Texas as well as Colorado Technical University.

Shanna shared in detail how she participated in theater, choir, and dance all through school, along with what roles she played. She also modeled in her early college years and her modeling debut was as a live Barbie for Mattel. Though she acted for years in school, her professional acting took the course of working as an extra/background/stand-in before gaining her first television role as the wife of a bank robber in a documentary reconstruction on Channel 4 in the UK. Since then, and even more recently, she has exploded in the film industry with a number of roles, one of which debut on the Red Carpet, “Insincere Twins,” in Carrollton, Texas on June 1, 2019. She is currently involved in “Blind Confessions” and a web series about Human Trafficking.
Shanna has also garnered her career to add a new role to her portfolio, as she is also now a Director and Producer for an upcoming film. She delves into expressing how involved directing and producing a film is in comparison to having been an actor. She evens shares a secret to what is required on the set for a scene shot. Shanna is influential to all, as she lays the palette out to show that no matter what one wants to do in life, you pick the color and just start painting, then continue to add colors on the canvas until a beautiful picture emerges!To find out more about the work she is involved in you’ll have to tune into the show!

Google Wages War: Weaponized to Spy, Push Propaganda, and Cut off Truth Posted by Susan Price, Gold Star Mother & Analyst

There’s a solidarity growing and emerging with an urgent call for the unveiling of truth spreading from coast to coast in America.

The concern over the last few years is systemic and increasing as truth seekers & dragon slayers come forward in the name of citizen journalists, researchers, alternative radio and media hosts, Youtubers, alternative & holistic doctors, and American patriots have awakened to the consensus that big tech social media has been Weaponized to spy on Americans, push propaganda, cut off the truth and power of knowledge to the masses, with an all out war against the trailblazers of truth who wore the crown before social media really developed and implemented their agenda 21/30.

Dr. Joseph Mercola has become one of Big Tech’s arch-enemies as Mercola is one of the powerful health and wellness icons known to millions around the globe for his commentary, knowledge and the awareness of what the Left is doing to harm every facet of life on this planet.

It’s heartbreaking what they’ve done to Dr. Mercola, taking his voice and freedom of speech away from him in the 21st century of the United States of America.

Dr. Mercola states “Over the years, the government and business monopolies, including the likes of Big Tech, have formed a global alliance hell bent on protecting and concentrating member profits. The price for keeping business going as usual in personal liberty and freedom of speech that may impact these fascist government-industrial complexes.

The major industries colluding to take over the government and government agencies include banking, military, agriculture, pharma, media and Big Tech.

The leaders of these industries have organized strategies to buy off politicians through lobbying and to capture regulatory agencies through revolving door hiring strategies and paid for media influence through advertising dollars.

Big Tech has joined the movement, bringing in a global concentration of wealth to eliminate competition and critical voices, voices that bring awareness to the frightening future as our rights, freedoms and competition erode into a fascist sunset, all disguised as a means to protect you from “misinformation.”

Dr. Mercola reminds us that “Google is not an independent actor in its censorship movement. While some argue that Google, being a private company, has the right to do whatever it wants, even if that means creating algorithms that censor important and relevant news and health insights while manually burying “undesirable” pages to protect the profits of it’s advertisers and other financial stakeholders.

However, being one of the biggest monopolies in the world, one could argue Google has really become more of a utility (like gas, water and electric utilities), and as such has a responsibility to serve the people. In fact last year, U.S. .House Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, suggested Google and Facebook be turned into, and regulated as, public utilities.

After all, if you want to find an answer on the web what do you do? You Google it, you don’t just “search”. Google worked for many years to earn your trust, but it was just setting a trap to twist that trust into powerful control.

Unfortunately, even if such an idea were to gain traction (which it has not), it still wouldn’t solve the problem, as Google is not acting independently, but rather is merely fulfilling a role within a much larger complex that includes the U.S. government, it’s military and national security apparatus, as well as several of the wealthiest and most powerful industries on the planet.

All of these “partners” have a vested interest in censoring information addressed by yours truly on a daily basis; information relating to nondrug options for the prevention and treatment of disease and /or warnings about dangerous treatments, drugs and vaccines, for example, or the benefits of regenerative agriculture over conventional farming and fake meat, or the hazards of toxic chemicals found in everyday products and food.

Again, as explained earlier, Google’s latest core algorithm update and quality rater guidelines bury all of this information, favoring instead information relayed by sites that are either part of this industrial technological military government complex, or that peddle the desired talking points.

It doesn’t matter that I’m reporting on and referencing publicly available peer reviewed research and have a whole panel of medical and scientific experts reviewing much of the information, because the science I highlight is the science industry doesn’t want you to see.

Few are ever going to take the time to dig up these studies even though they’re readily available, and thus by censoring me and other online sources like myself, the industrial technological military government complex’s task of social engineering is significantly simplified.

The information I share about pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines, GMOs, pesticides, junk food, fake meat, artificial sweeteners and other dangerous additives are prime targets for censorship for the simple reason that when you take control of your health, they LOSE control over you. By being informed, you take their power over you away from them.”

Big tech companies are coming under heightened scrutiny in D.C. from the government and Congress. Not only are the President and many conservatives criticizing major tech companies, Yet, Democrat, Sen. Elizabeth Warren is also calling for a break up of the tech moguls, Google, Facebook, Apple and Amazon.

According to multiple media sources the White House is planning a Social Media Summit on July 11, 2019, to “bring together digital leaders for a robust conversation on the opportunities and challenges of today’s online environment.”

President Trump has complained about the European Union targeting U.S. technology companies. EU Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager has fined Google billions of dollars for antitrust violations and has opened an early-stage investigation into Amazon.com Inc’s potential use of data on smaller rivals sales. As well complaints include threats of alleged bias against conservatives at social media companies and the President stated that “the U.S. government should sue Google and Facebook Inc. for unspecified wrongdoing.”

The Justice Department has taken responsibility for Google and Apple Inc, while the FTC will oversee Facebook and Amazon.

Let’s revisit February 2011, when President Obama flew into the Silicon Valley for a two hour dinner with eight of the fifteen tech moguls who were among his and the Democratic party major campaign contributors, today we see this as the emerging communist party, the anti-American, radical Left.

Upon his arrival, Obama was greeted by then, former Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, (Nancy Pelosi’s nephew) former Attorney General Kamala Harris, and San Francisco Mayor Edwin Lee. After a short flight to the Canada Community College in Redwood City, the POTUS was motorcaded to a 90 minute private dinner held at the prominent home of Silicon Valley venture capitalist John Doerr.

Many of these attendees were members of TechNet. This 14 year old technology lobbying group was founded in the Silicon Valley. An advocacy group for high-tech CEOs, their names included, Carol Bartz, president and CEO, Yahoo, John Chambers, CEO and chairman, Cisco Systems, Dick Costolo, CEO Twitter, John Doerr, partner, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Larry Ellison, co-founder and CEO, Oracle, Reed Hastings, CEO, Netflix, John Hennessy, president Stanford University, Steve Jobs, chairman and CEO, Apple, Art Levinson, Chairman and former CEO, Genentech, Eric Schmidt, Chairman and CEO, Google, Steve Westly, managing partner and founder, The Westly Group, Mark Zuckerberg, founder, president and CEO, Facebook.

The narrative of the meeting was stated by Stanford University President John Hennessy “it’s a good meeting with frank and vigorous exchange of opinions focused on innovation and economic growth, including topics such as the nation’s investment in research and education, high-skill visa reform and educating more engineers and scientists.”

Former POTUS #44 was leading a toast while dining with Silicon Valley’s tech moguls, including at the time Apple’s Steve Jobs, yet there no further details regarding this private two hour dinner event….question is, what was the real topic of discussion?

We ask this because we today are witnessing the Treason and Tyranny demonstrated by the administration belonging to the former POTUS. Is this the real reason why these tech moguls attack President Trump, to deflect the agenda of their own actions?

After all, President Trump stands between the communist Left, keeping them from obtaining their long planned out plot against the American people. One of the sources involved in arranging this meeting said the tech moguls applauded Obama’s funding of science and technology programs and research development, but also pushed the president to support corporate tax reform, including lowering taxes on profit generated overseas.

John Chambers the chairman and CEO of Cisco, who sat across the table from the former commander in chief stated “I was honored to be apart of the discussion with President Obama and Silicon Valley business leaders. Government and private industry must work hand in hand to spur innovation, strengthen our economy and get Americans back to work.”

Hold on a minute, isn’t Cisco Systems, Inc. a vital part of the Defense Information Systems Agency cybersecurity? Yet in 2015, during Obama’s administration, it was reported from U.S. CENTCOM that there was a break in this trusted Cybersecurity.

These corporations as well as these nefarious individuals should be brought up on charges for the degrees of treason and tyranny they’ve participated in against the American people. I personally hope their names are among those of the sealed indictments against the domestic enemies from within.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”~ Edmund Burke
For Further Insight:

Rebecca Sounds Reveille with Sam McElroy and Eric James Morris

This double header starts with guest Sam McElRoy , PYSD, NSSA, who is partner and founder of @financial. He and his firm uses a “client focused” approach and tailors solutions to both businesses and individuals from a holistic perspective. Sam graduated from Hampton University, magna cum laude, holds a Doctorate in Psychology, as well as, several financial licenses. He has been the recipient of several Humanitarian and Achievement awards, has contributed research examining social dynamics and methods for optimizing cooperation and efficiency in team, group, and work settings, and has been exploring unique insights with respect to the psychology of personal finance. On the show, we talk about how finance influences the way in which we react to things within our individual worlds, including towards ourselves. We also talk about how there must be an intentional change towards what we are doing with our finances if we want to see a different outcome and ultimately this is true if applied in most of the other areas of our life. There is much more valuable information in this episode that will positively make a difference in a number areas of life if you take the key points and use them.




This episode is a riveting with fun starring guest Eric James Morris, an Air Force veteran and an actor, known for Reap It , MacGyver (2016) and Edge of Town! He streams the interview from his laptop while sitting in a Dunkin Donuts parking lot; you can hear the pitch of police sirens roar in the background! In all seriousness, Eric has at least 25 role credits to his name and has recently completed a couple of films, with others he has worked on now in post production, and even one in pre-production. One role he has currently been working is The Bounty Hunter. Eric details this independent film background, along with what the film is about, and what his role in it is. The film is based on factual events and is presented by BWC Films, a veteran organization,with the director who is a real life war veteran.

Eric started his journey in the entertainment industry as a young teenager, playing guitar and singing whenever someone would give him the chance. You will be surprised at what he played and his journey leading him to where he is in this arena on the show! He discovered his passion for acting and film production through a number of things along life’s highways, one of which included his son. In addition to his acting career, he has his own company, Morris Environmental, most recently changed to Morris Enviro, a waterproofing company in Atlanta Georgia.





Rebecca Sounds Reveille with Teneicka Drake

This episode features guest Teniecka Drake who is a dynamic woman that dedicates her life to making an impact on the world. Her message is so important that she has hosted her own radio show and founded Loving Arms for Families (LAFF). Her message has been getting noticed and she was recently featured in Voyage LA magazine. Teniecka is a veteran, domestic violence survivor, and mother of an autistic child. She has worked as an Eligibility Reviewer and has volunteered for the American Red Cross.

Loving Arms for Families is an organization that incorporates the arts in order to assist Veteran families. What sets this organization apart from others who serve veterans is that this one helps those who are affected by domestic violence and also have children who have been diagnosed with autism. Many organizations have tools to help with the trauma people face from these types of concerns, but the LAFF strategy is committed to providing arts which allows for the expression and coping skills to work through the trauma of violence and the challenges of caring for a child with a developmental disability. LAFF is resolute on providing support groups and community resources.


We are delighted you are giving us the opportunity to entertain and inform you through various media sources. It is our sincere hope to encourage and inspire through the eyes and art of those who work hard to share their passion with you!

Rebecca Sounds Reveille with Baker Halleran

Rebecca talks with actor and model Baker Halleran who was a star high school athlete and lover of theater and acting. Both of these things pushed this young man into a very colorful life. Going from Oklahoma to Massachusetts to Milan, Italy, to Los Angeles, California, he took his university major in Investment Banking and followed his passion.

His journey had also led him to model in Milan, Italy not long before chauffeuring him to the scene in Los Angeles, where many hit the hub to stardom. As a current bar tender and manager of one of the nation’s most popular night clubs, Baker Halleran pursues his love in acting. He known for his roles in Whitey, Street Smarts, and most recently on Fox’s 9-1-1 as an LAPD officer. He has also played the role as an police officer on a show broadcasted on FX.

Rebecca Sounds Reveille with Baker Halleran and Brad Williams

On the first of this dual episode, Rebecca talks with actor and model Baker Halleran who was a star high school athlete and lover of theater and acting. Both of these things pushed this young man into a very colorful life. Going from Oklahoma to Massachusetts to Milan, Italy, to Los Angeles, California, he took his university major in Investment Banking and followed his passion.
His journey had also led him to model in Milan, Italy not long before chauffeuring him to the scene in Los Angeles, where many hit the hub to stardom. As a current bar tender and manager of one of the nation’s most popular night clubs, Baker Halleran pursues his love in acting. He known for his roles in Whitey, Street Smarts, and most recently on Fox’s 9-1-1 as an LAPD officer. He has also played the role as an police officer on a show that broadcasted on FX.


On the second episode, Rebecca speaks with Brad Williams, President of Brad Williams Financial Services who has over 25 years of addressing the financial concerns of retirees and business owners. He is able to simplify and explain in everyday language even the most complex concepts and alternatives. His reputation for unquestioned integrity is far more important to him than any fee or commission.
Brad inspires many having worked his way up the corporate ladder from an operations manager position in Birmingham, AL to eventually forming his financial services company. By the age of 29 he had made enough money to seek advice from a financial advisor about his long-term financial goals and he found a mentor that believed in him.



Rebecca Sounds Reveille with Reba Merrill

Reba Merrill is an Emmy award-winning journalist, author, and speaker. She has traveled the world interviewing nearly a thousand Hollywood royalties, such as, legendaries Jimmy Stewart and Jack Lemmon to Meryl Streep and Clint Eastwood to Hollywood’s hot new comers of the time like Sandra Bullock and Tom Hanks. Her in-depth interviews have been syndicated in over 60 countries.

Reba hosted four talk shows: two in Phoenix – Reba, a once a week show, followed by the daily- Good Morning Arizona, both on ABC. She then moved up and hosted two in San Diego, Sunup San Diego on CBS and That’s Life on COX Cable. She won an Emmy for her work as a talk show host.

Reba has chronicled her life as celebrity interviewer in a personal memoir Nearly Famous: tales from the hollywood trenches. She was elected to the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences and The Reba Merrill Collection is now part of the Motion Picture Academy archives. Night Flight airs her interviews every Friday night and have been featured on The Official Hollywood Walk of Fame App. Reba is on the leadership council for AIDS Project Los Angeles.


Rebecca Sounds Reveille with Scott Schwartz

Rebecca L. Mahan brings actor Scott Schwartz to the show and the duo talk about his lengthy legendary time on screen. Many of you know him for his role as Flick (think of the one who stuck his tongue on the flag pole) in A Christmas Story because this iconic movie is part of almost every American household family’s Christmas holiday tradition. Scott also co-starred opposite Richard Pryor and Jackie Gleason in the movie The Toy and in that same year he was also in Kidco. Rebecca and Scott also talk about how the societal climate has changed and some of the things that were and are meaningful staples to life. In addition, Scott shares how he created celebrity-based trading cards and his personal involvement in helping his cast-mate (extended-type) family in raising proceeds to assist with the death of Corey Haim.