Sherry Nelson is becoming a household name in the world of entertainment. An amazingly accomplished woman who is as stunningly beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. Placing in the Maxim Magazine model search before the pandemic has opened a ton of opportunities for this incredibly talented soul. We caught up with Sherry Nelson between projects, and here is what she had to say…

A lot has been going on for you the last few months…fill us in?
Yes! I am very happy to still be busy with various projects, especially continuing to be one of the co-host’s on Brian Sebastian’s “Movie Reviews and More”, which has grown exponentially and can now be seen on many more platforms – iHeart Radio, Spotify, Comcast, Pandora, Apple TV, and Amazon Music. I have also co-hosted with Debbie Perkins on her very popular “Hollywood Red Carpet Radio Show”. I just recently co-hosted my very first live virtual event for FanRoom Live starring the great Leland Sklar! This innovative show was created by the amazing Cedric The Entertainer, Jeff Krauss, Mitch Faulkner, Jae Benjamin, and Stacey Toy.
I continue as a contributing writer at Michael Neely’s XS10 Magazine, and I was just named Spokesmodel for Gubba Rum! All of these unique opportunities have connected me with some of the greatest minds in entertainment, and I am honored to be affiliated with each of them.

What are your plans for 2021?
Toney Richards of Wikkid Starr has asked me to appear in an upcoming music video which makes me happy because I love their music! As well, I will be collaborating on an International campaign with Cindy D’Adamo as spokesmodel for her various signed artists, the first being The Lucas Brothers Band.
I will also be appearing with the amazing Stephen Chang in his movie “Warrior of Eight Flags” which will be filming in Vancouver, Hong Kong, and Finland. I am now also attached to writer Doug Shiloh’s “Dead Exit”, which has a wild dystopian premise that will be a 2-hour audio drama and a comic book.
What is your recipe for success?
My recipe for success requires these fundamental ingredients: a goal, hard work, focus, and connections.
Knowing what you want is often the most difficult ingredient to acquire, but once you know what that is, then your journey or recipe will begin to take shape. Add hard work into the mix by learning as much as you can and finding various avenues to get you where you need to be. Then improve upon your rolodex by making connections with people you admire and who are successful. Learning from successful people I believe is one of the greatest learning tools, then emulate that with your own unique qualities.
Every day is a great day to learn something new and to set new goals and ambitions for yourself, everyone is gifted in their own way, so never settle, there are many great things to see, do, achieve, and experience.

Do you believe in following a dream or not letting your dreams get in the way of your actions?
I believe in following a dream because dreams make us happy, they give us something to hope for. Sometimes being spontaneous and taking a chance can open you up to a whole new world, and I can definitely attest to that!
Remember, you cannot have memories unless you make them, so I hope everyone dreams big and continues to make memories.
Do you have any regrets?
I do not have any regrets. Sometimes we need a negative from time to time so we can really appreciate the positives that come our way. If I am unsuccessful at anything, I learn why, and try to improve.
It’s no secret that you idolize your dad….what qualities of his have you inherited
I have learned from my father to be a genuine and caring person. Through his actions I have seen his compassion for animals, the environment, and for those around him. My father is a pillar of all that is good and admired in life; patient, loving, gentle, and striving to do what he can for everyone before himself. He is my greatest Blessing in life and I am honored every day to be able to call him my father.
What song never fails to make you emotional?
I guess that changes from time to time based on what is going on in my life. I am very thankful to be as busy as I am right now, that listening to Canadian Robbie Robertson helps relax me, his music videos are pretty fantastic too.
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