PTSD? Anxiety? Codependency? Addiction? Mental Health Talk –pukka! Many people face anxiety, codependency, PTSD, and other things that the mind grapples with. Where does it come from and how can the symptoms be reduced, the cause removed, our well being made better? Often, assumptions are made about these different topics and that can hinder successful treatment. For example, when someone hears the word “codependency,” they might deduce it to their intimate or romantic relationship; however, it can also extend to family members or even objects such as food or work. This episode hands to you an extraordinary woman who candidly shared her own addiction recovery, the overcoming of childhood incest, and how she has dedicated her life to helping others overcome their challenges.
Guest, Lori Golden, is passionate about helping both trauma and abuse survivors on their healing journey. Her work today is an outgrowth of her recovery from childhood incest and addictions. She has worked in the mental health profession since the seventies, earning her Master’s in Social Work from Hunter College in New York with later training at the Gestalt Institute. Eventually, she opened her own private practice. As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, she combines various therapies she has gained knowledge and experience in over the years in her practice. Lori does not limit herself to one modality of practice since her client’s needs vary. She believes there are many roads that lead to an individual’s healing.
In her private practice, she works with individuals, couples and families in and out of recovery from drugs, alcohol, food, codependency, sex, and love addiction as well as people who suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder resulting from trauma and abuse. A special group of trauma survivors centers on her work with burn survivors and caregivers. ‘
Her first book, My House of Lies, is a memoir about her addiction, recovery and overcoming childhood incest after thirty-seven years of amnesia. More significantly, her book reveals a remarkable journey to seek the truth, reclaim parts of herself that was lost to dissociation and addiction, and turn her own trauma and abuse into a passion to help others face their challenges. Lori inspires and motivates others to seek their truth and heal in her consulting and presentations.
Excerpts from this episode: Rebecca:“The first thing I want to say is for anyone who is listening. If you have been apprehensive to talk to somebody and you want to talk confidentially because you’re not at a position or haven’t been in a position where you feel like you’ve wanted to admit to something, but you just kind of want to talk and see where this goes, Lori is there to assist you in your journey to make your life better.”
Lori:“I reached the bottom in using drugs and at that point in my life my main drugs were… Valium {} and at that point it was Valium throughout the day and sleeping…”
“I absolutely will talk with whoever it is that wants to share because part of my recovery is being able to give away this kind of experience to other people to help them in their journey”
“I started increasingly getting symptoms of PTSD. Now, I had always had symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, flashbacks, nightmares, but I medicated with sleeping pills.”
Hey girl! This is for you! Learning about finances and even teaching them to others can be quite a challenge. This can be especially true if this is an area where you have been out of the workforce and are now ready to jump in, were kept from learning about finances (for example, a victim of domestic violence), divorced, single moms, widowed, or maybe just thinking about it seemed to be overwhelming. Often, women feel energized when learning from other women who have experienced similar situations as they have, pushed through it, and have made something successful from it. They feel empowered when the skills they learn can be put to use that enables them to shape not only their immediate lives but their future.
Guest Arwen Becker, financial adviser, author, national speaker, and owner of “Becker Retirement Group” and the training company, “LIFE with Arwen” shared how after meeting with thousands of women over the years, she and her companies have taken a direct focus on impacting the way women are treated in the area of finance. Her reach is through radio, podcasts, books, and by giving 30+ “women’s only” events a year. She has made it “BRG’s” mission to help connect with women in her community who aren’t getting the attention and help they need and truly deserve. Her deep desire is to answer that overarching question of each woman, “Am I gonna be okay?”
Excerpts from this episode: “Oftentimes, what women do, they spend 15 up to 15 percent of their years out of the workforce because they’re either taking care of kids or they’re taking care of parents…much more likely than their brothers to care for parents.”
“I don’t want to be a burden on my kids, but then what are you left with. We don’t want to be a burden, but yet we are so generous by nature which is the part of this.”
“…if you’re married, if you’re not, you have sole responsibility of your own financial picture because you’re gonna be the one handling it. Most likely at any point that you look in your life, some point in there, you’re gonna be the one responsible and you better know how it works.”
Are you ready for an adventure? Those from three to ninety-three can immerse themselves in science, mathematics, and history and have a whole lot of fun while learning! Imagine being so absorbed with a live show you feel you taken back to the 17th century, believing you were actually speaking to Galileo or getting into a mini-dome and having an interactive planetarium experience! Some might ask, how does that happen? It all comes to life by the contagious inspiration and excitement from the artist who is sought out by some of the most notable organizations, along with parents and adults, who want to step into his space and time machines, going back and stepping out.
Guest Mike Francis, a United States Army veteran, who holds a MS in Interdisciplinary Studies, MA in Physics, BS Ed in Physics, is a television and stage actor, lecturer, photographer, an educator at “Stars Science Theater,” and writer at the “Charles Hayden Planetarium at Boston’s Museum of Science” who brings education and entertainment to museums, libraries, and schools. He also has branched out on his own with his Galileo Galilei “The Starry Messenger,” “The Stargazer’s Apprentice,” and “Night Skies.”
During this episode, Rebecca and Mike talk about how exciting his performances are and also share and encourage the audience on how they can pursue going after what they want in life.
Help I need to reorganize my….! – There are times where people can feel disorganized in various aspects in their life such as things at work, at home, in relationships, and even internally. The stress from not having things in order can add up and become overwhelming. Searching is one example of a “stressor.”We can find ourselves searching for misplaced items keys to searching for love. There are many things can be “stressors” and the more we avoid them the better. Sometimes though, we need a confidant. We need someone who has been there; we need someone we can trust and can show us some techniques tailored to our individuality that will guide us to success, whatever that success may be for you. Finding someone like this can be difficult, so perk your ears up to the guest on this episode who will share details on life transformation. Are you ready?
Aviva Reimer is one of Canada’s preeminent authorities on life transformation, relationship building, and matchmaking. She is highly regarded with her effective techniques in “Personal Development,” “Life Coaching,” and “Fitness.” She is certified by the prestigious “Matchmaking Institute of New York.”Aviva has made numerous media appearances, including ET Canada, “The Millionaire Matchmaker” on “Bravo,” as well as writing for “The Huffington Post,” “Zoomer,” and “Viva,” along with many others. She also the author of “Becoming The Total Package, Personal Development & Life Coach,” founder of “Perfect-Fit Elite Lifestyle & Introductions.”
Excerpts from this episode: “I literally step into someone’s life and hand-in-hand take them through the journey that they need to go through the right way and help them make the right decisions so that they can also create a better version of themselves. You know not everybody has the confidence, not everybody has the knowledge, or maybe they used to have the knowledge and the knowledge has changed out there, especially when it comes to dating or relationships.” “ …we work together and we make the list together. We make your vision. We create your wish list, everything you probably want in your life, we’re gonna do this together. We’re gonna get you there so we start with the home. We do a complete declutter. “ “…then we start decluttering your relationships and your friendships because that is also part of your environment. Certain people can have a positive impact on you and there’s people who have a very negative effect…”
Aviva talked about how to rebuild trust in certain areas. One of the things she shared is that because everything we are involved with impacts how we think and how we live, it then is necessary to declutter even those who are not healthy for our emotional, physical, or psychological well being. Staying positive and organized are keys to a great life, along with a few others. Tune in and hear more!
“Irreplaceable”, is the title of singer, songwriter, and producer’s Ian Guerin’s triumphant new album, however it also describes his irreplaceable velvet and passionate voice and the titanic talent belonging to its creator. Already celebrating several successful singles generated from the album including: “Cry”, UK Best R&B Soul Song of the year, UK #1 single “Roll the Dice”, and “Free Time”, four time award winning U.K. #1 single, which has just been released in the US.
Like a raging tsunami Ian Guerin vibrantly and authentically writes songs from the heart…or should I say the heartbreak. Carefully choosing his lyrics, Ian sings from his soul. His R&B romantic touch defines his style and celebrates his destiny. His candid honesty goes beyond all smoke and mirrors. He tells the truth no matter how much it hurts.
Bring us up to date on what is presently going on in your career?
I’m still promoting my album “Irreplaceable”. It’s the singles tree that keeps on giving; I feel like Luis Fonsi with ‘Despacito’ or Lil Nas X with ‘Old Town Road’ when they tried to release albums, but their singles just kept on giving.
It’s the same for ‘Irreplaceable’, I’ve recorded over 5 collaborations & was starting to develop a sound for my next album — complete with a new anthem — & back we go because ‘Feature in Your Life’ has quietly become a playlists favorite & then everybody’s favorite & that at the same time has pushed the popularity of my U.S. single ‘Free Time’ — so it gets more exposure & attention too.
Then there’s these award shows coming up where I’ll hopefully perform & they help get the word out on ‘Irreplaceable’ so I’m just thinking on recording more songs for a Deluxe Edition, because it’s clear to me there’s more to this album.
What is the best advice that your parents have ever given you?
My mom — who is a Human Resources retiree — always tells me to never get mad at my team for getting things done wrong, because it happens in every company so I should see everyday work problems, not as a burden, but as what has to get done & overcome. She tells me I’m a company like everyone else’s, & I’m the CEO, so I have an obligation to be the best team player.
She also tells me my wish is my command so, if I’m brave enough to see it in my mind, I can hold it in my hands.
My dad told me from a young age (9) — when I came back from recording my first demo — that singers are cool, but songwriters are “the real deal.” He told me it was awesome that I wanted to sing, but that I do it singing my own stuff, because that way I could always be the ringleader of my show. I took it really badly for years — because I thought he was discouraging my singing — but I now know it’s true. You write your songs, you own your career, you don’t & someone else does. I can write for others & myself & then make it on both sides of the court. I thank him for that.
You are a glass of water, are you half empty or half full and why?
I’m both. My glass is always half full of achievements, satisfaction & gratefulness, & half empty because there are new dreams & goals to attain.
You are standing in front of Macy’s naked and holding up a sign, what does the sign say?
“I’ll take the clothes large & the sponsorship check big & fat.” Smile with shades emoji.
If you could be anyone in history for one day who would it be and why?
I think it would have to be Fred Astaire cause I’m obsessed with real showmen. Those artists that needed nothing but a spotlight, their charm & their sharply rehearsed yet born-with talent. Those whose sole presence brought the house down anywhere they performed. Gene Kelly said “the history of dance in films begins with Astaire & he’s the only one who’ll be remembered.”
I’m captivated by his energy & by the era he lived in, when music & entertainment were real, & production did not run the show. I’d love to feel what those times were like through his eyes; because in truth I feel like an old soul that should’ve been alive & performing back then.
If you could perform anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
The O2 Arena. All my contemporary idols have done it, & to me, if you play the O2, you’ve made it. It’s the epitome of class in the capital of music. Michael did not get to do it or he would — to this day — hold the record for most shows. So O2 it is.
Do you believe that music can change the world?
I think it can. It sure has the power to unite & that’s what we need, less greed, less hate, less ego, more love, more understanding, more empathy, common sense & care. It seems like we insist on using our privileged rationale to benefit us humans only, instead of all living beings.
Here we are the most intelligent beings in the planet acting so primal & positioning ourselves as the only animal on earth that does not contribute to its environment.
If we make music with substance — that’s not only fun but persuasive — then it’s repetition would definitely have an impact on people’s mindset.
To me there are songs so powerful that I feel like they’re a wonder of the world, yet I go out into it & few to none seem to understand that sentiment. I’d say the fans get it cause they’re equally as invested as I am, yet regular people — at least the vast majority of the ones I’ve come across — don’t seem to notice the moving power music.
Music can change your view & your vibe & it serves a purpose like everything else in life; it’s just a matter of wanting to see it & putting it to use. House pets have now discovered the relaxing power of classical music, so they’re now exploiting its purpose, yet here we humans are being humans thinking it’s only meaningless entertainment.
Do you have a hero or an idol, and if so who is it?
My heroes are my mom, my dad & sister, for putting me through the hard times, yet my idol is Michael Jackson.
The things that man had to endure in his life mentally & realistically speak volumes of the natural ability we have to overcome obstacles in our life. A lot of his loving fans follow me because of him & we all agree in the fact that he had a thick skin, because many of us wouldn’t have made it in his situation. He was completely forced to be different, first by his father, then by the public.
I think there is a merit to that level of achievement, regardless of the impossibilities, the insecurity & the trauma. He was a victim of physical abuse at an early age yet again he understood early that in life you dust yourself off & pick yourself up or you’re over.
That victim masquerade was just that. He was weird & spoiled & stubborn & made wrong choices, but don’t we all? He was unable — as many of us — to acknowledge his mistakes & blamed his lack of judgement on others. However, he was also a man who helped without bragging. The things he did choose to publicize were the ones that led people to paint the wrong picture.
He was never given enough credit & was judged my many when the saying goes: “the cleaner the closet door, the dirtier the skeletons within” & boy do we see some clean doors in many of those runny mouth’s households.
The court of public opinion is tough, even though he did put himself in vulnerable situations & made poor choices. I see the good & the bad in everything & Michael is no different.
Any new projects?
There are many. However, people need to follow me on social media to find out on a need-to-know basis, because I don’t want to jinx them.
What’s coming is big & we are in it together because, per usual, without the people that support me everything is just a dream. See all of you @iamianguerin on Instagram!
Watch the “Free Time” music video by Ian Guerin here:
Dubbed by her friends “the Kathy Griffin of fashion”, Wendy’s hilarious, occasionally poignant story of how she became – and has remained for 30 years – one of the most successful “fit” models in the country (that size 8 you’re wearing might very well be based on Wendy Stuart Kaplan’s figure), is told with a Griffin-esque sense of humor untarnished by malice. From studying voodoo in Nigeria through years of taking mind-numbing jobs just to pay the rent, to her success in the present day where she can say of the women’s underwear sold at Wal-Mart, modeled on her size eight body, “I cover the asses of the masses.”
SHE’S THE LAST MODEL STANDING is an “only-in-New-York” tale and an addictive page-turner. Wendy’s humor, intelligence and unique analysis of the fashion/entertainment industry make this memoir a true stand-out in the field.
WENDY STUART KAPLAN is one of the top fit models in New York City. An experienced “clothing technician” and a perfect size 8, she fits everything from outerwear to lingerie. Her client roster is as eclectic as her career including Eileen Fisher, Roca Wear, London Fog Coats, Warnaco intimates and Christian Dior Swimwear.
As an actress, print model, and stand up comedienne, Wendy has worked in film, television and theatre and has made appearances on many syndicated and daytime talk shows. Her fun personality and quick sense of humor made her a standout guest whether she was modeling unusual wedding gowns on Geraldo or selling shoes on Speigel TV. Her ecclectic career also includes being voted Mrs. NY, going on to compete in the National Mrs. America pageant.
Wendy’s other interests include decorating and animals. Creating an oasis of country style living, her NYC apartment has been featured in many national decorating magazines. Her original tips and creative ideas have made Wendy a sought after expert in country style.
Wendy’s deep love for animals extends to maintaining her own petting Zoo in her NYC apartment. Her menagerie includes two angora rabbits, a chocolate colored longhaired Chihuahua, various hamsters and fish and a vociferous cockatoo named Louise.
Also residing with Wendy on the upper east side of Manhattan is her Commercial Photographer husband, Alan and their 14-year-old daughter Kyle. The entire family has a deep passion for travel but is especially fond of and has made many visits to the Peruvian Amazon.
Get your copy of “She’s The Last Model Standing” by Wendy Stuart Kaplan on Amazon here:
He’s risen from the ashes like the great Phoenix, with a persona like a human tornado with a warped space whirling around a central singularity. He’s rubbed elbows with Ozzie Osbourne, Marilyn Manson, Jeff Beck, Nancy Wilson, and David Oberlin from Korn who produced his newest music. He an artist as well as a singer/songwriter who is successfully following his own inspiration.
World meet “Wicked Witch!” Spawned from the waves of collaborative diversity, the art of thinking independently together, figuring out how to walk through the world together using differences as strengths. I first encountered him at the Grammy Soirée and I was sure he was exceptional. Then two weeks later I celebrated his presence at International designer Sue Wong’s Oscar Party and our fate was sealed…..
Wicked Witch has The Wicked Witch Foundation a vehicle to help new, unsigned artists rise. He is also planning an anti-bullying effort. I spoke to the Witch regarding his career and his future endeavors.
What inspired you to want to become part of the music world?
As a child I always loved music and I was always inspired by other artists and inspired by my mother’s work ethic. I just have a love for music and I always felt that one day I was going to be someone big.
What inspired your name, “Wicked Witch?”
I was at a concert accompanied by Ozzy Osbourne and he basically baptized me in front of a lot of people and that’s how Wicked Witch was born, right after that.
If you could have your ultimate stage fantasy what would have to happen?
Oh man….me on stage with Rob Zombie, Ozzy Osbourne again, Marilyn Manson and all of us just jamming on stage.
When you were growing up who were your major musical influences?
There were a few artists, but they didn’t really inspire me too much to do the music. I always had my own mindset. I liked what they did as far as music, but it was my mom’s work ethic that gave me the drive within my family. I liked JAY-Z, Incubus, Lincoln Park, Demi Lovato, Avril Lavigne. There were a lot of artists like Whitney Houston inspiring me, their music inspired me but as far as me doing music I always felt like this is what I was supposed to do.
You’re almost about to release your single, do we have a date?
I chose April 1, 2020. It’s called “Molly” and it’s produced by Davy Oberlin. He’s a live keyboardist in the rock band Korn.
How did you get to meet him?
A lot of people just started connecting with me. They’ve been seeing a lot of different work that I’ve been putting out. There were a lot of different events that were interesting for them and they started hitting me up. A lot of people just want to start collaborating.
I’ve noticed some artwork on your media… that yours? Are you an artist as well?
Yes I am. I love drawing. A little bit about that, I’m launching my Wicked Witch fundraiser where I am creating handmade art work which will be definitely available to purchase. My artwork is inspired by my life story. I’m just painting different emotions of what I go through, I know a lot of people go through the same. Painting has always been a way to relax my mind.
You’re very well rounded artistic wise. You’re from New York?
Yes, Brooklyn New York.
What caused you to relocate to LA?
I always saw Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre and Callie artists on BET. I would notice the palm trees, I was looking at the weather and then in New York all I saw was the projects… I’m not discrediting where I’m from…. I loved it, but it’s real ghetto, it’s the hood, but here I was seeing a whole different environment. I always liked all the Hollywood stars out there and it’s like living the dream to be out there in California. I just had to keep working hard and just make a move. I had to find different places, get a job and everything in the beginning but then things started working out in my favor later on. So, I’m definitely blessed for that.
If you could help me ask you any question in the world what would that question be?
I love that question…I’ve never heard somebody say that…..that’s like a real serious question. How about what did it take for me to become so strong in this kind of industry?
Ok, what is it about you that made you so strong in such a tough, unforgiving industry?
It does take a lot! I would have to say that hitting rock-bottom because there was a point in time that it was either I stayed in Brooklyn or just kept on going. So, I just kept going. There was a point in time I was on the street. I used to walk around to try to figure out what I wanted to do. I was in another state at the time and I was trying to figure out that either I was going back home to New York, or I was going to keep going and make something out of it. So, I just kept going and remembered the crime and everything that I had gone through and it reminded me that if I didn’t keep going and stay focused, I could be back in that situation. That was one situation I definitely didn’t want to be in. I knew it would take a lot of hard work to get where I needed to go. I’m proud of myself, just moving to the grind never giving up. It’s like I’m inspiring my own self…. you just keep going. I want to inspire others at the same time during my journey.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
I see myself really doing the same thing that I’m doing right now but just leveling up. As far as my art I can see that getting better, my foundation I can see more unsigned artists just joining the foundation and making the change. As far as my music I want to hit the Billboards, Grammys, Oscars, that’s where I see myself… each category.
Are you working on any new projects at the moment?
I’m working on a project with Deep Roy (Charlie’s Chocolate Factory, Star Trek). That’s my boy…We’re working on a CD now. I’m going to be writing his raps. It’s going to be called The Witch and the something…I don’t know what he’s going to call himself …we gotta have a name and we’re going to have a 5 song EP. I’m also working on something different myself…I didn’t even do it yet, but it is so interesting. It’s a whole different style, a whole different person…
Explain The Wicked Witch Foundation?
As a child growing up, I always had a passion for music, acting and modeling. I’m going to inspire the unsigned talent. That’s what the Wicked Witch Foundation is about, inspiring, guiding, and providing…resources. I am offering opportunities to experience music, fashion, Red Carpets, and networking.
“For The Love Of Jessee,” the highly anticipated new award winning film from acclaimed writer/director David McAbee is being released on May 1, 2020.
After an accident leaves Doctor Luke Matthews (Randy Wayne) a widower and a father in a matter of hours, he must learn how to start over. When one of his former patients, Sage (Mandahla Rose) loses her baby to a miscarriage, Luke decides to hire her as a nanny. Much to his mother’s concern (Adrienne Barbeau), Sage takes the job and becomes a part of the family.
As Sage buries herself in taking care of baby Jessee, Luke loses himself in work, hiding his pain from his best friend (Tony Denman) and the rest of his family. Over time Luke and Sage find they have a lot more in common than just their love for Jessee.
The path to a second chance is filled with real life drama, heartache and redemption.
“For The Love Of Jessee” stars an amazing cast of talented actors, including Randy Wayne (Honey 2, Dukes of Hazard: The Beginning, Hellraiser: Judgement), Mandahla Rose (Wolf Creek 2, Venice: The Series, Alice & Iza), film legend Adrienne Barbeau (Maude, The Fog, Swamp Thing, Escape From New York), Bre Blair (Last Vegas, The Flash, S.W.A.T., The Baby-Sitters Club), and Tony Denman (Fargo, Grumpy Old Men, Little Big League, Sorority Boys).
“The film is about the beauty of being broken and how we deal with loss, love and even redemption. Sometimes we don’t feel worthy of a second chance, and this film is a fine example of how those second chances come in the strangest of ways.” – Writer/Director David McAbee
Watch the “For The Love Of Jessee” Trailer here:
“For The Love Of Jessee” will be available on May 1, 2020 on the following platforms:
Amazon, iTunes, Google Play, Vudi, Comcast On Demand,,, Walmart, Target, and Best Buy.
Overcoming Drug Abuse and Where to Get Help- This episode is one that will hit home with the lives of many. It will hit home with the lives of those who are currently using alcohol or other forms of self-medicating chemicals to anesthetize the feelings from some different events that have happened in their lives. It will perk up the ears of those who are close to a friend or loved one who is using or beginning to use a substance(s) and their lives are taking changing… not for the better.
Expert Guest, Scott H. Silverman, who is the author of “tell me no. I dare you!: A Guide for Living a Heroic Life” (Best Sellers list, Warwicks, San Diego and founder and president of “Second Chance,” a non-profit human services agency. He has become quite notable and has been named one of CNN’s “Heroes” for his work with the homeless and ex-offender populations, along with receiving numerous awards recognizing his leadership and dedication to community improvement, including the Henrietta Rubenstein Community Award.
Here are some excerpts from the show: “I’m one of those people that when my phone rings and I don’t recognize the phone number, I look forward to answering it because it could be someone who’s wanting and seeking help.”“I ended up hitting the fracture and re-breaking his leg. So from that moment forward, my life was changing.”“My teacher had a heart attack and they said, “We believe you’re responsible for this.” “He survived. But you know, so here I am in fifth grade and things just, escalating for me.” “I got sent to Arizona for a year to be in a special school and realized, “You know. Something’s wrong with me. I don’t get it. So early on in my teens, I started, you know picking up alcohol…” “…I was self-medicating at a young age. That’s kind of how things progressed. Then going through high school, escalated to other things marijuana…” “My trajectory continued on and I just simply progressed and got involved with methamphetamine and got involved with cocaine and then mixing hallucinogens…”
“That Saturday morning I went into treatment. That was back in November of 1984. I felt like I got a real second chance that day. I’ve done everything I can since that moment to do everything possible to be of service to others and have done it as a volunteer for decades. Now I’m doing it professionally and personally and volunteering, that’s kind of how I got here with you, is to be able to share some of that story, my experience, strength, and hope and now have a treatment center that I run. I’m also a crisis coach and a family navigator. Each day I wake up, like I said earlier, to try to help, buddy help, their family member, their loved one, get to the highest and best level of care and support they possibly can.”
The lights illuminate on Rebecca’s guest, United States Navy Veteran Ray William Roldan, who is an artist, singer, songwriter, recording artist, performer, sculptor, poet, and owner of “Swing Samurai Music.” Ray William (RW) released several albums including “In California Country,” “Mended Fences,” “Where We Come From,” and “Can You Feel This?” He has been nominated for a number of “Song of the Year” awards and has been involved with other bands and compilations, one of which is,” Keepin’ It Country”((Vol. 1) a various artist compilation). He has worked all around the San Fernando Valley, in California immersing himself in the blues and Americana scene. He gravitated to-wards music and poetry, appreciating contemporary wordsmiths like Dylan and Dr. Seuss, as much as, American treasures such as Yates and began crafting his own indelible blend of country blues folk-rock – a sound that lands somewhere between Hank Williams and Cowboy Junkies. He has been working with producer Max Allyn who recently signed him to “AllsWell Records” imprint out of Nashville.
During the show, Ray William (RW) shared how being born to an outlaw biker father and his 16-year-old mother brought him to the coming of age in the “Los Angeles of the ’60s and ’70s.” His family had spent a few years of being homeless, prompting him to join the Navy at the age of 17. His young life was full of hard circumstances and difficult environments, but Ray William (RW) always seemed to soften things with his easy knack for storytelling.
Ray William (RW) also shared how his tenacity has now allowed him to split his time between his house in Topanga Hills, California and a newly-purchased dwelling (that once belonged to Fatty Arbuckle in Silverlake, California) where he has built a studio in the basement. It was professed to be haunted for the past 12 years, though he has found it to be a suitably creative environment to craft his songs.
This episode will encourage you to pursue your dreams no matter what type of background or situation you have faced or are facing. You may also connect and feel strength from the connection of Ray William’s music. The power of your destiny comes from within!
What a show! Floodlights are on guest, Jimmy Star, who is a TV /radio show host expert, famed publicist, celebrity clothing designer, “Amazon” best-selling author, editor, director, casting director, screenwriter, producer, and actor who has been in at least 70 films (“Incubus” and “Son of Morning” are two) and in many of the Marvel” comic book movies. He is well known for “The Jimmy Star Show with Ron Russell,” a TV show that climbed to be the #1 webshow in the world with over 4.5 million listens/views per week, was nominated to be on the ballot of the 2016 Emmy Awards, and was named the 5th most influential radio personality in the world. Jimmy has received many awards to include one from the prestigious Award-Winning “PR Maven,” who named him “Best Music Publicist in the United States” at the “Nashville Universe Music Awards.” Along with his weekly TV show and working as a publicist, he is involved with an upcoming comic book, “Celebrity Ghost Hunters,” so be on the lookout!
During this vibrant episode, Jimmy shared details about a chapter in his life where he had great success, “I started a clothing line and bought an old hotel in Pompano Beach, Florida and we turned it into kind of like a “Fred Segal.” I loved it! It’s a really cool store. In the hotel, we made every single room a different type of clothes and “everybody” came shopping there. Elton John came shopping there. People would bring in tour buses and they would do movie shoots and music video shoots! We made really wild clothes!”
He went on to tell the devastating effects of how that chapter of his life closed with a situation far too close to home for many running small businesses of their own and even for others who are dealing eminent domain issues and the “red tape” as some call it. But, as they say in the “Star” business… “THE SHOW MUST GO ON!”
Rebecca and Jimmy talked about so many gripping things; however, there is something the two shared in common you should check out, amongst other things, that is a great take away: If we would all pay-it-forward and help each other accomplish the things we set out to do, instead of focusing solely on ourselves, we would be working as a team and everyone would make money and achieve things we never thought possible!